What the Fuck Luke?!

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Seven ~ What the Fuck Luke?!

♫   ♥   ♫

"Morning Sweets," he grumbled, his morning voice still shining through.

"Since when do you wake up first?" a confused grin across my face, "can't have been awake too long since you're still shirtless," playfully rolling my eyes I throw a shirt at his face.

"Well, you need to get yourself dressed, because I'm gonna head out in a few to finalize some stuff for the gig tonight. If we smash it they said there's no way we wouldn't play the orpheum!"

The little skip in his step this morning really made it easier to get ready herself. "Shit. almost forgot about that, Bobby is going to be there right? Because I said i'm not playing gigs, sorry but I just can't."

Luke knew it was wrong to lie to Presley, but there was no other way to make sure she got on that stage. "Yea, yea he said he's meeting us there. Uhm- just like practice with Alex and Reg okay? It's hard to play when the rhythm is missing, you know? Well I gotta go, the guys will be here soon!"

His actions and speech rushed the boy to plant a small kiss on the girls cheek before running out of the garage.

"Hey Press," the two boys harmonize as they come walking into the garage, "where's luke?" Alex asks.

"Oh, he said he had to go figure out some things finalizing for the gig. He sounded kind of rushed as he left actually." she finished, looking at the boys' now semi less confused faces.

"Makes sense, so you're aware of the plan right?"

"Yea Alex, Luke told me to practice with you two and Bobby is going to perform at the gig tonight since I really... don't want to."

The two boys look back and forth between each other like what I was saying was a load of shit.

"Well anyways, let's practice!" Reggie announces, and the trio spend the next hours practicing until it was time to get ready and meet Luke at the gig venue.

"Hey Luke, uhm- where's bobby?" Presley asked. Alex and Reggie made sure she brought her guitar just in case, even though the girl had no plan on using it.

"Oh he must just be running late," he said with a shrug, pulling Reggie and her under his arms and slapping their backs "Come on guys look, if- when we smash this our gig at the orpheum is a definite yes!"

All four teens laugh as Luke guided them to backstage where they all started to set up their equipment.

"5 minutes until go time!" a stage hand called out.

"Ok what the fuck Luke? Where's Bobby? I thought he was coming!" Presley lets out, Luke giving a glance at Alex who only shakes his head and elbows Reggie.

"Uh- Uhm.. P?" he hesitantly calls out "can you go on for Bobby, looks like he isn't coming," everyone knows that Presley has a soft spot for the Puppy Dog eyes of Reginald Peters.

"I- oh my god don't look at me like that Reg your making me feel like I kicked a puppy!" the girl exclaims, to only be met with an even sadder pleading gaze. "UGH- Fine. but you" she points to Luke "are never hearing the end of it," and with a humph she grabs her guitar and walks towards the stage.

"Sunset Curve! You're on in 30 (seconds)" the stage hand echoes behind Presley's heavy footsteps caused by the Dr. Martins she was contemplating kicking Luke with after the show.

Per Presleys usual personality, as soon as the lights shined on the stage her face went from angry scowls to bright smiles, belting the lyrics of the band's latest songs. During the performance it was as if Presley was never mad at the three boys, interacting with them and dancing with them in between verses.

With the song coming to an end and the band leaving the stage, Presley's outburst was stalled once more by a manager coming to talk to them about the orpheum. To be honest, Presley wasn't really paying attention, just subconsciously mirroring the boy's facial expressions until she hears cheering and the manager guy walking away.

"We did it, holy cow!" alex cheers

"We're playing the Orpheum!!"

They're cheering the whole time while Presley Drives them back to the garage. Press decides to let them have their fun until they get home - Ugh, feels like I'm their mother. Gross. She thinks.

"Ok I know you're all excited, so am i- but i'm still pissed you lied." Presley turns her angry gaze to Luke. She may be kind of small, at only 5'5 but she's still the scariest thing any of those boys had ever seen at that moment. "What the Fuck Luke?! Say something!" she belts, no really giving him the chance to speak before continuing, "I can't believe you lied to me! You promised that Bobby was coming! I should've thought it was fishy when you two made me bring my Guitar!" she's now looking at both Reggie and Alex visibly scaring them just by the fire in her eyes.

Alex looks pleadingly to both Reggie and Luke. Luke seems to panic and spins Presley by her arm, not thinking much and pulls her into a kiss. Reggie and Alex going extremely wide eyed as they hadn't known about the pair's relationship... advancements. Presley went wide eyed for a second too before melting into the kiss. Pulling away after Alex clears his throat.

"You're so lucky I like you," Presley sneers, her menacing gaze has faltered, Luke's now goofy grin nodding towards the other two guys who were standing only like 5 feet away.

"What..." Reggie starts, his voice fading into nothing, not being able to finish his sentence

"The fuck just happened?" Alex ended

Luke and Presley look at each other laughing slightly, turning back to the boys Luke lets out a measly "Ba Da!"

...and that is how Presley and Luke simultaneously made their Relationship official and told the guys at the same time.


I am dedicating this chapter to my friend, @leahgublerr

Who is literally my main reason to continue uploading

Thank you all for reading,

I love you Leah ♥

- Lee

Ps. sorry for having to re upload, wattpad was glitching for a second.

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