Fuck you Dad!

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Twenty Three ~ Fuck you Dad!

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"Hello Presley, Long time no see," His voice sickening to Presleys ears. "I've been looking for you dear. I even found your Siblings to try to help."

"You what? Is that why Willie was here? Wait... Sylas too?"

"Yes, that girl was not much help. But William, well... let's say he felt like he had to help me." the smile on his face and tone in his voice telling Presley how Little Willie actually wanted to help him. "I even found your precious boy band."

"No, you need to stay away from them."

"I'm sure we can come to an agreement," with an evil grin the man snaps his fingers and teleports the father and daughter into a room. "Aren't you curious why people can see you with that song book of yours?"

"You- you're the one who fucking enchanted my songbook?!" Presley goes wide-eyed and looks around the office-like room she is now standing in.

He nods, and starts talking about the boys again, "you know something I didn't have planned though is your little friend Julie making you and the boys visible when you play... Lucky for me, those boys are quite forgetful and came to me to get back at Trevor and not your song book."

"What the fuck did you do? What type of father stalks my family and my friends?! I can't believe you Caleb."

"Watch your language Presley, and how unlike you to call me by my first name,"

"Mom had to change her name back to James after your sorry ass got yourself killed! You ruined her! And you ruined my life in the process. So Stay the fuck away from me and my friends!"

He fake winces, "ooh sorry, No can do. Those boys are to powerful I need them working for me. And you..." He looks at Presley menacingly and towers over her. "I need you to be a good little girl, and listen to your father. You will not ruin this for me."

"And what if I do? What if I tell them you plan to fucking steal their souls and ruin their afterlives?!"

"Well then I'll take away what you love. Luke."

"The fuck you mean take him away?"

"I have him stamped, I practically already own his soul. Along with Alex, and Reginald." Presleys mouth agape, "Oh! I almost forgot, I own Willie and Sylas's souls as well. Recruited them while looking for you. So if you ruin this I will make them all Disappear." he does a hand gesture when he says disappear, Presley's jaw practically still on the floor.

"Now then. Do we have a deal?"


"What do you mean 'no'?"

"I have a different deal..." he looks intrigued so Presley continues. "You put me in their same situation with that god awful stamp. They go about their afterlives, we continue playing gigs with Julie. And maybe, just maybe I'll help you get to them. But only if there's no other way out. Got it?"

Judging by the look in Caleb's eye, they both knew the other had different plans. Presley never intended on actually helping Caleb get the boys, but rather losing herself to save them.

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