You Promised.

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Nineteen ~ You Promised.

♫    ♥    ♫

TW//: self harm, blood, mentions of death, panic attack, yelling. There is another trigger warning before the start of said scene(s) please do not read past that point if you feel as if those topics will trigger you.

Presley Had gotten back from Bobby's, completely upset. She didn't understand why Bobby did what he did. However, she knew Julie would be home soon and Presley had to stay strong for Julie, After all, Julie has grown to be like a sister to Presley.

Hearing the door close and someone calling her name, Presley jumps down from the loft and sees Julie. "Hey Jules, we heading to the dance soon?"

"Yea, have you seen the boys?"

"Uh, not since Bobby's- Trevors? His house, they said they had to go talk to Alex's friend, Luke promised they'll be there tonight. Reggie too, so they'll be there." Presley had a hopeful smile as she made eye contact with Julie "Reggie has never broken a promise in like 25 years, don't worry."

It was true, the Bass player may have been a lot of things, but a liar was not one of them. Mainly because he sucked at lying, but still he hasn't broken a single promise since the two met all the way back in 9th grade.

"Ok. I hope you're right, come on let's go." the two girls go to Julie's school and walk straight up to the stage, saying hi to flynn... well Julie said hi for the both of them.

"Julie you look amazing!" Flynn said, pointing out Julie's choice of wearing her moms old clothes

Julie handed Presley her songbook since they were backstage and no one could see her.

"Ooh Presley I love your outfit!" Flynn compliments (a/n: outfit at top of chapter)

"Thanks Flynn, you look amazing by the way! I'd hug you, but ya know- ghost." all three girls chuckle.

"Are the guys here?" Flynn asks, looking into nothingness next to the girls and moving her hair.

"No, but they will be. They know how much this means to us." Julie gestures to herself and Presley.

"Yea, they'll be here soon. They promised."

Little did the two girls know, those boys weren't going to show up. And Reggie would break his first Promise, a promise that meant a lot more than any of them realized.

♫ 9:15 PM; 15 minutes past original gig start time ♫

"Is everybody Fired up for Julie and the Phantoms!!" Flynn roars out to the crowd of highschoolers, met with cheers all around, "Great! Well keep that fire because thats later, we're a bit behind schedule but don't worry, just enjoy these mind blowing beats!"

"Julie and the Phantoms?" Julie asked as Flynn approached the two.

"I had some extra time in French class, and you better Like it because I registered it on Insta, Snapchat, Twitter..."

"What's Twitter?"

"No, I love it." Presley and Julie spoke at the same time. "But I'd love it even more if the other 3 Phantoms were here!"

S W E E T S | Luke PattersonWhere stories live. Discover now