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Sixteen ~ Shadowing

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"Hey Julie! Hold on." It's Sunday night, and Julie is heading to her room after spending almost the whole weekend with Presley and Luke writing songs, as much as Presley loves the boys, she has spent 25+ years with them and the girl wants a break, so she thought to ask Julie "I- can I just like come to school with you tomorrow? I'll stay invisible, and I just need a break from the guys."

"Sure, I'll bring your songbook if you want, ya know, incase there's a time where it's just me, you and Flynn... I'll come get your songbook in the morning before I leave, I'll meet you at school." with a smile Julie walks through the gate leading to her house.

Smiling, Presley walks back into the garage, that whole encounter made Presley's mood change more than usual, who knew she would get excited about going back to school. She went to sit next to Luke and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Although a small gesture, the manner in which she gave him a kiss made all the boys aware of her hyper-happiness.

"Someone's happy." Reggie says, with a smirk

"Yea, what happened? Did someone get you roses again?" Alex teased. A secret admirer had left Presley Roses in her locker freshman year and the girl didn't stop smiling the whole day.

"Ok wow. My mood is ruined," the girl tried to fake pout, but the boys were sometimes unexpectedly affectionate, they all snickered, before running up to the girl and tackling her in hugs, causing all four to laugh like maniacs. "Nevermind! All better."

"Uh oh... someone wants attention." Reggie and Alex were laughing at Luke because the boy's semi-clingy personality seemed to be in full affect.

"Oh come on. Lets get bugs and roses huh?" Presley is known for making up the most random nicknames, this one coming from Luke's fear of bugs. "I'll bring him back boys, bye." she says grabbing Luke's hand, and Poofing out of the garage.

The couple poofed to the treehouse that was behind Presley's house, Luke and her used to spend hours there when they weren't with the band. It was one of the only places Luke could be near Presley's house without her mom yelling at him.

Presley's mom wasn't very nice to the boys of Sunset Curve and only seemed to Like Bobby, so for all other boys, they weren't allowed in her house.

"Why did you bring me here? I thought you were getting me a rose?" Luke pouts.

"You really want a rose this bad?" Presley is laughing, before she nods in response to Luke's smile and Poofs to a flower stand, steals a flower, and poofs back. "A rose my love." she says in a fake British accent.

The two sit in silence, just enjoying each others company, before Luke speaks "not that I don't love that you're happy, just.. Why the sudden change?"

Presley turns her body from Laying against the boys chest, to practically straddling him so she can look him in the eyes, hers being extremely bright and filled with happiness.

Luke's POV ♫

"I get to go to school with Julie and Flynn tomorrow!" Presley says, the gleam in her eye practically has me melting.

"She's literally perfect." I thought, everything about her is perfect. Her big blue eyes, her wavy black hair, her beautiful smile. "I love you." it's barely a whisper, but the three words leave them both sitting in silence.

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