We're Coming Jules.

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Thirty ~ We're Coming Jules


"And where is it you think you're going?" Caleb asks after appearing on Julie's Piano.

"What are you doing here?" Presley snaps back, to which Caleb hisses in mock pain.

"Such hostility, and from my own daughter." he looks menacingly over to Presley, "I'm just here to congratulate you on your big night, not everyone gets to play the Orpheum."

"No, Okay we know it's your stamp that's been hurting us." Luke steps in front of Presley.

Caleb only hums and sends a glare to Presley. "We already have a band. We don't want to join your little club." Luke finishes off.

"And you can't make us either" Alex attempts to stand up for himself but.... "Sir."

Unamused Caleb continues. "Right." he finally turns his attention from Presley. "You're crossing over tonight, how exciting! Funny thing about the cross over, no one really knows what's waiting on the other side."

Presley can sense what is going to happen and grabs Luke's hand in case Caleb tried anything "But I know what's happening on this side,"

And with a snap of his fingers and a fleeting "im sorry" glance between the couple... this night just went haywire.

The group was poofed into Caleb's club, the guys standing in front, and Presley standing next to caleb. "Well don't you look nice," Caleb mused.

"Sweet threads,"

(a/n: Presley's outfit is at the top of the chapter)

"How did you know our sizes?" Reggie and Alex both stated, while Luke stood confused.

"That's your question?" Presley responds to Alex's question.

"I know you all aren't my biggest fans, and an eternity at my club might seem overwhelming. But I just put you in sweet threads so humor me one last pitch."

Luke's eyes meet Presley's and they exchange a look of worry, Presley's change to be filled with regret and apologies as Caleb speaks.

"Isn't it nice that you're here together? And believe me, everything you want... including Willie, and now Presley are here." Presley's head falls as the boys look at her with betrayal.

"And on my stage, you don't vanish when the music stops. You soak in the applause for as long as you want. The connection that you will feel with the audience will be like no other... I promise."

he looks each one of them over, and places a hand on Presley's shoulder. That hand seems so heavy that Presley can't even bother to try to shake it off.

The crowd started to cheer and with that came a bright smile on Caleb's face. "Oh. Do you hear that? They're waiting for you."

Just as Caleb turned away one of the most painful jolts hit them and he fake winced. "Oh that one looked like it hurt." 'no shit'  is all Presley could think in return.

"Now, let me remind you, you don't know if playing the Orpheum is your unfinished business. Do you really have time to make that mistake? I suggest you accept my offer,
because the clock is ticking." and with a click of his tongue he walks on stage.

This might have been slightly different to what Presley was originally planning... actually in this moment, Presley couldn't even recall correctly what she was originally planning. "Presley you joined him?"

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