Does this look like Chemistry?

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Twenty Four ~ Does this look like Chemistry?

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♫ Alex POV ♫

Luke came back from Julie's school without Presley. He said she was acting strange and was going to go see Willie, which obviously sparked my attention.

While waiting for Presley to get back we are all just chilling in the studio, Reggie and Luke fiddling with their instruments while I mess with my sticks.

All of a sudden I see movement, so I flick my head up 'maybe it's presley?' I question in my head.

Seeing Willie peak over into the studio 'why does he keep doing this?' I wonder, my thoughts cut off by Reggies voice "Again? What's that all about?"

"I don't know, I thought he was with Presley.." I poof out of the studio, telling the guys I'll be right back. "What's your problem? It's like you're tracking me down just so you can keep running away."

"I wish I could explain man, but I can't." I can see and hear his worry, but it isn't good enough. What type of explanation is that?

"Ok, that's not good enough. I mean you've been acting weird ever since Caleb's club. You know, I thought we were having fun together?"

"We never should've met." he said plainly, staring at his board.

"Wow, that hurts."

"Hey, I'm sorry Alex, I really am. You're a great guy. I gotta go," he starts to skate away, but pauses. "Tell Presley I'm sorry too." then he's gone.

There's so much going on in my head as I stand in the driveway, alone.

'"Tell Presley I'm sorry too" 'how does he know Presley, I never mentioned her...'

"We never should've met"

"We never should've met." the words echo in my brain as I walk back into the studio.

"Was Presley with him?" Luke asks, I shake my head.

"Let's just practice until she gets here."

We practice a new song and I let my emotions flow through me as I play, the confusion turning into anger and I beat the anger into my drums causing the guys to seize their playing. "Alex you alright?"

"Yeah. Yeah, Yeah. Why?" I act oblivious to the fact I just abused my drums... again. I tend to do that whenever I get upset. It's no secret.

"I know it's tough man. People say you never forget your first ghost, and maybe that's true. But I'm sure there will be others."

"Yea, thanks Reg."

"And Alex, you're a great drummer, and a great guy." I nod in agreement again

'Maybe he's right.'

"I wouldn't let all that stuff get in between you and what you love."

"I don't know man, Sometimes a little fire can make things better onstage." I know exactly where Reggie is going with this. I just can't help but feel like he really shouldn't. "Like you and Julie."

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