So... We're going with Witch?

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Ten ~ So... We're going with Witch?

♫    ♥    ♫


"How'd we get back here?" Luke questions, but as soon as he finishes, a girl scares the group with her screams. Causing them to scream too. The girl runs out of the room, and the 4 teens put two and two together.

"Are we fucking ghosts right now?" Presley asks. Receiving slow nods from the guys, "Holy fuck! We left bobby," she screams, her eyes wide. But the guys don't look as surprised.

"Damn vegetarian lucked out I guess," Reggie states matter of fact-ly.

The group hears the freaked out girl's footsteps approaching the garage, and the guys being their annoying self decide to scare her and drag Presley into the trick too.

"I know I saw something, I'm not crazy," the curly headed girl speaks to herself.

"Well we're all a little crazy," Luke jokes as the four poof behind the girl in what resembles Bobby's Garage.

The girl questions the teens on why they're in her moms studio, making Presley look around the room hesitantly while Luke jumps on his couch trying to prove it's their studio.

"Can you give me a sec- just give. me a. Sec-ond." Luke pulls Presley, Alex, and Reggie into a huddle and tries to figure out what's happening "Guys, what is going on? How did she get her stuff in her so fast?" Luke hurriedly questions.

"Maybe. Maybe she's a Witch," Reggie suggests, Presley thinking he's joking lets out a small laugh only to realize the boy was serious. "There are chairs floating on the ceiling" he points out, making Alex butt in

"There are no such thing as Witches,"

"You sure? 'Cause I used there was no such thing as ghosts!"

"That's fair," putting the two boys' argument aside, Presley goes to speak only to be cut off by Luke.

"Okay, so... we're going with witch?"

"No!" "No! We are not going with witch!" both Presley and Alex say at the same time, however only Alex continues to speak. "She's not a witch! Okay look... let someone" he motions to himself "with a softer touch handle this,"

Presley audibly sighs, as Alex isn't as "Soft" as he thinks, which is only proven when he is straightforward in asking why she's in their studio. "How did you do that?" the girl is obviously confused as she stuck the cross into Alex's stomach,

"Okay okay, guys she's just confused," Presley stands up, Luke not far behind, noticing his girlfriend had not much more to say.

"We're Just four ghosts and we're really happy to be home-"

"So thank you for the flowers, they really brighten up the room." Luke and Alex's words were not at all what should've been said, and that was extra obvious when Presley leaned onto Reggie's side, Sighing loudly.

"What P?" Luke questions, slightly agitated, but continues, "we're in a band called sunset curve, and yesterday was supposed to be a really big night for us,"

S W E E T S | Luke PattersonWhere stories live. Discover now