I Can't Lose you

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Twenty Eight ~ I Can't Lose You

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Twenty Eight ~ I Can't Lose You

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRETZELS!" The boys are jumping on Presley to wake her up on her birthday.

"Go away," she sleepily mumbles trying to hit their ankles. "I don't like my birthday,"

"That is not allowed... Reggie get her legs" Alex demands, the two boys pick Presley up by her limbs.

The boys swing Presley around while chanting the Happy Birthday song. "Go get dressed Pressie Poo" Reggie says as they put her down.

"Let me be able to see straight first god damn." she wobbles for a moment before stabilizing "And just so you know, we are NOT celebrating,"

When she came out of the bathroom she had stolen Reggies jacket claiming "It looks better on me," to which Luke agreed, and Alex argued. (a/n: outfit at top of chapter).

"Ok well now you're dressed let's go somewhere, it's your birthday!" Luke wrapped his arms around Presley squeezing her tight and kissing her cheek repeatedly.

"As much as I love you guys. I hate my birthday, so I'd much rather we acted like it was a normal day."

"Why do you hate your birthday?" Reggie asks, Alex smacking his arm in an attempt to get him to revoke the question.

"Reggie why do you think I hate my birthday?" Reggie shrugs, "Because my father is a deadbeat magician who died and now has a ghost cult."

The whole group stifles their laughter, and Presley takes this moment to run away. "Bye!"

"Wait come back!!" they all yell, chasing after her.

"Julie help!"

"What's wrong?" Julie is caught off guard by Presley's sudden presence.

"The boy's are chasing me! Help!!"

Julie didn't have time to ask questions before the boys came bursting in. "PRESLEY!" Alex yells,

"You can't run away!" Luke continues, and Reggie finishes,

"We don't care if you don't like your birthday we are going to celebrate!!!"

"It's your birthday?!" Julie peers under her bed to where Presley was hiding, "Luke get her out of there, we need to celebrate!"

Luke pulls Presley out and sits her down on Julie's bed. "Okay. We are celebrating your birthday. Nothing fancy since obviously you aren't a huge fan... but we are doing something. Go entertain yourselves, meet me at the park in an hour."

S W E E T S | Luke PattersonWhere stories live. Discover now