Tainted Hotdog

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 Eight ~ Tainted Hotdog.

♫   ♥   ♫

TW // Death + Descriptions of death. A trigger warning will be put before the scene that depicts death, and will extend until the end of the chapter.

The day of the Orpheum, and Presley's Stress is at an all time high. She just finished helping the guys pack their instruments into this mini trailer on the back of her car. While the guys are getting Bobby, Presley appointed herself Driver, and is dropping off the Band's instruments at the orpheum and setting that up before picking the guys up to take them there for rehearsal all before 1pm when rehearsal starts.

"Get in guys! You don't wanna be late for your best gig yet!" she hypes up the four boys getting in her car, Luke in the front seat. "You guys are gonna be legends!"

Kissing Luke briefly, Presley notices out of the corner of her eye bobby sending a Death Glare to Luke before talking to Reggie and Alex again. Odd, is all she thought.

-- "Don't look down

'Cause we're still rising

Up right now

And even if we hit the ground

We'll still fly

Keep dreaming like we'll live forever

But live it like it's now or never

It's now or never!"

"Woo!" the cheers of both Presley and those working at the orpheum collectively fill the room. The band just finished rehearsing and are feeling all the possible adrenaline. Bobby is first to hop off the stage and approach Press and a woman named Rose at a table in front of the stage.

"Lets get street dogs" Luke says, both Reggie and Alex agreeing, while Bobby shoos them off and claims "I'm a vegetarian.. Could never hurt an animal," Directed at the oh so beautiful Rose. the two new found friends laughing at Bobby's statement, as the rest of the guys come up.

"That was really good guys," Rose compliments, Presley nodding along.

"Oh guys, this is Rose," Press points out, starting to introduce everyone, "Rose, these are the guys; Bobby, Luke, Reggie, and Alex," all the guys saying small greetings as Presley introduces their names.

Rose goes on to compliment the guys more, while Reggie and his hopeless flirting gives the girl a copy of their Demo and "A tee-shirt, size beautiful," with a wink.

"Ok- well how 'bout those street dogs?" Luke speaks up, when Bobby denies, he steps up once again "He had a hamburger for lunch," with that, Luke grabs Presleys hand and the 4 friends make their way to a known alley for street dogs.

"Don't worry, It'll help with the rust," the man selling street dogs announces after Alex told him he accidentally spilt pickle juice on the battery cables.

Laughing, Presley pulls the boy in a pink hoodie closer to him while they walk to a couch to eat their Hot dogs before the show.

"After tonight, everything changes." Luke states, the four teens cheersing their hot dogs before taking a bite.

"That's a new flavor." Presley had noticed too, but Reggie calms the confusion with a simple-

"Chill guys, street dogs haven't killed us yet!" Which was a bit anticlimactic seeing as what happened next.

TW // DEATH AND DESCRIPTION OF DEATH; if the topic of death makes you uncomfortable in any way please skip to the beginning of the next chapter.

~ Flashing Lights ~ All Blurred by dizziness and confusion. ~

"What's going on? Why is it so bright?" Presley's thoughts echoed through her head, all sorts of noises going on around her. Her mind moving a mile a minute but her mouth seemingly glued shut - unable to speak.

Heart monitors beeping around the girl, flatlining and panicking doctors. Presley may not be able to speak, but the screams in her head she might as well have been able to be heard. She can hear all the Doctors speaking around her.

"Alexander Mercer - D.O.A" one announced

"Reginald Peters - Died on the way to the hospital,"

"Lucas Patterson-" the name of the boy she loved Ringing through her ears "Died on the way to the hospital."

It was almost as if hearing those words made her heart collapse, both literally and figuratively. As soon as they arrived at the hospital and tried to check for signs of consciousness. The only thing the girl remembers is hearing sobs before everything goes dark.

Going dark and awaking to new sobs. Sobs coming from her best friend in a Dark room.


Hi, I am sorry I had to do this to you... I promise I love you, and it can only get better... I think.. 

Anyway I apologize and I will make it up to you 

- Lee (she/them) ♥

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