Dear Diary,

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Six ~ Dear Diary,

♪   ♥   ♪

Dear Diary,

Ok so maybe I haven't used this thing since i was like 11 but whatever. I showed Pres Late Last Night, I think she got the hint. I still don't know what we are but I think that'll figure itself out.. I hope at least.

Alex booked us this high profile gig that when we rock it will definitely mark our place at the Orpheum! It has taken so long to get even this gig that we can't risk anything. Bobby fucking backed out for this one, said he has "family shit to do," what does that mean? The guy has practically been ignoring all of us. He's been hanging out with Ray Molina for the past week, and not telling us why. So I'm gonna pull Press on stage for the gig, that's tomorrow... We were supposed to practice today but kind of got caught up doing other things.

So I'll just have to have her practice with the guys tomorrow while I work out the final details of the gig. I hope she doesn't get too pissed about me pulling her on stage.

- Luke.

♪   ♥   ♪

Dear Diary,

He kissed me, Luke Patterson kissed me. I mean sure we have flirted but I didn't think he would kiss me! He hasn't been with anyone since the break up with Alex last year... oh my god.

What does this mean for me and Luke? Are we like a thing? I know it wasn't a mistake because he wrote me a whole ass song- which btw pretty sure I was supposed to help him practice for the boys' gig tomorrow... oh well more important problems!

Is Alex going to be mad I am with Luke? I really hope not... I can't lose Alex. No, we can't think like this. I am sure this was just a one time thing, I just won't bring it up tomorrow, we don't need drama since tomorrow's gig will make or break their chances on the orpheum.

I have to focus on helping them prepare, they have to succeed. I believe they can do it, now I just need to help them show everyone else they can.

Prove my stupid mother wrong. My boys are worth everything.


Presley James.   


sorry for the slightly boring update. but i think these diary entries are important to the characters whole thinking process.

also little fun fact. Presley doesn't own a real diary, she writes her short few entries in the last 5 or 6 pages of her song book. No one is allowed near her song book anyway, she protects it with her life.

♥ Lee (she/them) ♥

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