Oh Shut up.

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Thirteen ~ Oh Shut up.

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"What are you guys doing here?" Julie asks, once Presley and the three boys pop up "I thought only Press was coming"

"Sorry, they're very persistent. Can I have my songbook now?"

"Yea we wanted to see you stick it to the man- Wait! You let Julie have your songbook? I'm not even allowed to touch your song book!" Luke looked at Presley, slightly offended.

"Anyway- what the fuck is glitter girls doing out there?" Presley jokes, Alex laughing with her.

"Damn I miss High school..." Reggie states, in complete awe of the glitter girls.

Presley looks to Julie to say something, but catches a look of hurt briefly in her eyes before blinking it away as the group leaves the floor.

"Now's your chance. Go talk to her, I'll see you in music class." a girl with braids who seems to be the same girl from the studio the other day.

As the principal starts making a speech, the boys turn towards Julie and Presley. "What are you waiting for?" Reggie speaks up, pointing his thumb at the stage.

"Yeah. I mean you look really nervous. Like yack in a bowl nervous," Alex says, earning a punch in the arm from Presley, "what?"

"You don't just say that! Julie you're gonna do great."

"I just don't think I had enough time to work the song," Julie argued directed at Presley,

"I wouldn't have let you borrow the songbook if I didn't think your talent was enough on its own Jules! You were perfect last night and you'll be perfect today," Presley gives Jules a sympathetic smile, and watches Luke start to talk.

"There's a piano on that stage with your name on it!" Luke encourages, which seems to be the last push Julie needed because she ran off to the stage and sat at the piano.

Julie started playing the notes, and after a few seconds the sound guy seemed to figure out what was happening because the spotlight turned onto her. Luke swings his arm over my shoulder out of pure happiness and to Presley it was like seeing a little sister figure start singing.

"Come on lets run!"

The ghost band looked at each other and nodded before poofing onto the stage.

"And rise, through the night

You and I, we will fight to shine together

Bright forever! ♪

The students start circling around the stage and dancing along to the music. "Can they see us?" Presley thought. Presley, Reggie, and Luke just seem to go with it and dance around the stage.

"And rise, through the night

You and I

We will fight to shine together

S W E E T S | Luke PattersonWhere stories live. Discover now