The Room

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Nine ~ The Room

♫   ♥   ♫

The soft THUNK that was Presley's entrance to a dark room filled with her 3 best friends / Band mates was an interesting one.

"What the fu-" Presley's thoughts were cut off by Luke Running up to her, Alex not far behind.

"Thank fucking god you're here!" Luke exclaims, Pulling her into a hug before Alex pushes the boy to the side and clings on to his best friend, forcing Luke to go back to doing whatever he was doing before Presley's arrival.

"I- I though..." Alex's Panicked shallow breathing made Presley go into a type of mother mode, comforting the boy. "I thought you weren't going to be here. I thought I was alone." he finally manages to say in between sniffles.

"I'm right here Alex-" her comforting comes to a full stop, "where's Reggie?" her voice picking up slightly as she searches for the Leather Jacket wearing Teen.

"He fell asleep as soon as he got here," Luke says angrily "HOW DO WE GET OUT OF HERE?!" it's very obvious of all the boys' coping mechanisms right at this moment.

Luke deals with trauma with fighting back/being angry, Alex is a lot more sensitive and hides away from trauma or cries, and Reggie goes into his normal state when his parents argue. He sleeps through it or makes Jokes.

"Luke calm down, there obviously isn't a way out. Just relax," surprisingly the boy does what he is told and the group are sat in the small dark room for what feels like about an hour softly singing, or sleeping. Until suddenly - as though the floor caved in. the 4 start falling.


don't worry, I am gonna upload one more tonight since this chapter is so short :)

- Lee (she/them)

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