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Twenty Two ~ Bold

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Presley woke up in the middle of the night and was held securely by the arms of Luke. She smiles and nuzzles herself further into his chest, engulfing herself in his smell of Citrus and campfire wood. Remembering everything she had gone through today.

Willie ~ William. Remembering the photographs in her mothers dining room. Junior Prom. She remembers the framed photograph of her and Luke on prom night the year before they died. Remembering how much fun they had, how many firsts they had that night, How they had thought they had their whole lives ahead, but in reality it was barely a year left.


"Mom, can you hurry up and take the picture! Alex and Reggie are waiting!" I yell while laughing, trying to get my mom to take photos quicker as I was impatient to get to parties, and Luke couldnt wait to get out of sleeves.

"Yea, Ms. James we really gotta go. Sorry!" Luke responds by pulling my arm and dragging me to the car.

"Don't be stupid!" she yells, "If you stay at a friends house call!" Those are the last words I hear her say before Alex blasts music and we're on our way to one of the best nights of our lives.

We make our way to the school, the Prom starts at 7 and its just about 6:45, so once we get there we shouldn't have to wait.

I'm In my black dress with my fishnets and regular black Docs. (a/n: dress at top of chapter) nothing special for makeup, just eyeliner, mascara, and shiny clear lip gloss. My hair is simply curled with two pieces at the top braided because why not.

In the car it's Alex and Reggie in the front, and Luke and I in the back. Bobby was once again nowhere to be found once he figured out Luke was taking me to prom, "You look gorgeous P," Luke says aloud,

Both the other two boys agreed. "Yea Press, one of these days you have to do my eyeliner like that," Reggie says.

"Ooh that would be fun. But for real Presley you look amazing!" Alex Pulls up to the school parking lot, all of us get out and walk up to the gym together.

9 PM ♫

We have been at the school for about two hours, just dancing and eating snacks, "I'm gonna get us some punch," Luke whispers in my ear, it's hard to hear over the loud music.

Luke and I seemed to have lost Alex and Reggie somehow in the past hour, but the boys know where they are, it's not that hard to miss one of the only girls wearing black.

"I think someone spiked it... but I'm not mad," Luke says as he approaches me, now holding onto cups full of a red liquid.

We drink the - Definitely spiked - Punch slowly, not really interested in the song playing, but once we finish our drinks, Coincidentally a slow song starts. Presley smiles, and drags Luke away from the wall and into the middle of the gym full of Tipsy teens swaying to the music.

"This is nice," I sigh, leaning my head on his chest as we dance.

"Yea, I'm glad you said yes to being my date."

We both chuckle and I lift my head, "Of course I would Lukiepoo." We smile and seem to get lost in each other's eyes for the duration of at least 3 slow songs.

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