Late Last Night

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Five ~ Late Last Night

a/n: enjoy a lil bit of spice ;)

♪ ♫ ♪

"Hey, so since neither of us really care about school anymore anyway what do you say we skip and go practice? I mean we should get you adjusted since we may or may not have a gig tomorrow where Bobby Definitely can't come." Luke asks me, Kind of rambling with his nerves of me possibly saying no.

"Yea sure, but I promised the guys I'd drive them to school so we can practice after." I reply with a lopsided smile on my face pointed at the boy lying across me. "If you wanna come, you can." I finished throwing a shirt at him.

I should be annoyed by his shirtless-ness since we share a couch right? Why am I not annoyed? We are just friends. I think?

"Sure, I'll join you"

With that Presley goes to change in the bathroom only to walk out to a half naked Luke and go wide eyed.

"You can stop staring, you know." Luke says with a low chuckle. "I mean, unless you like what you see," sending a wink my way, I playfully roll my eyes and let him change. Saying i'll meet him in the car.

"You know I left so you could get dressed inside the garage" I say with a screwed up eyebrow as the still shirtless Luke hops into my car.

"I know, but I also know you secretly love my shirtlessness dear Presley," finally with his goofy smile the boy puts on his shirt.

I drive away only scoffing at the comment. Trying to contain the blush that is definitely appearing on my cheeks with my hair.

"Hey Pres... what's up with your face?" Reggie asks, getting into the car. He is met by the chuckles from Luke only leaving him more confused. "What happened? Luke why is she all red?"

Luke only turns between me and Reggie with his cocky grin "I think someone is flustered by me calling them out."

"I am not flustered!" I spit back, "you don't just show up in a girls car shirtless and say she secretly likes your half nakedness, it's weird!" emphasizing on the 'shirtless' and 'weird' Reggie laughs loudly as I pull away from his house.

"haha! you're right, Presley's Flustered!."

They both keep laughing all the way to Alex's house where they only stop laughing to explain why they were laughing and continue.

Back at the garage, Luke is teaching the girl new songs they plan on playing for their gig at a local teen club scheduled for the next day.

"Okay tell me about this one, I- I'm writing this one right now so it's open to suggestions," Luke scoots his black music journal across the table to where presley is so she can read the song.

*a/n: to the tune of unsaid emily because I can't write a song from scratch lol*

Late Last Night.

The name scribbled on the top of the page, the lyrics even messier and barely legible. However, Presley has learned how to decipher such odd handwriting.

♪ ¶ ♪

All alone,

And nowhere to go

S W E E T S | Luke PattersonWhere stories live. Discover now