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Four ~ Connections

 ♫ Luke's Pov ♫

"Hey," a soft voice that could only be Presley Carrie James was approaching the solemn boy in the garage. "You still writing that song for your mom?" she asks. Her voice seemingly softer as she sets down a milkshake for them both to share.

"Yea, I think I'm almost done.." my voice seems distant "Just seems like it's missing something" I say scooting the notebook towards the edge of the desk knowing she can help.

Seeming to jump to the chorus I hear the angelic voice softly sing the lyrics scribbled into the black composition notebook.

♪ ¶ ♪

"If I could take us back,

If I could just do that.

Id write in every empty space,

The words I love you in replace

And every time would not erase me.

If you could only know,

I'd never let you go

And the words I most regret

Are the ones I never meant to leave..."

♪ ¶ ♪

Her singing subsides, her face seeming like she's searching her memories for something, "I know, it sounds unfinished. I just don't know what to say... there's so much unsaid." sighing, I put my head on the desk only for it to spike back up at the sound of a gasp.

Humming the last line of the chorus again, she adds in one more line, "Unsaid Emily..." I look up at her with wide eyes at the obviously fitting name. "It's just an Idea, I mean you said it yourself... there's so much unsaid." her eyes seemed sad, bringing him to remember how Pres had run away too.

"Write it down Sweets, it's perfect."

Not more then 5 seconds later, scribbled in handwriting far neater then the owners own was the title Unsaid Emily.

♫ Presley's Pov ♫

"LUCAS PATTERSON GET OFF ME WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!" the rushed half screams Press erupted - far too early in the morning - startled the teen boy out of his sleep, to realize he had managed to cuddle up quite close to his friend in the night while he was asleep.

"Shit. i- sorry Sweets," he the startled shirtless boy says with a chuckle, sliding off the bed couch and slipping on a shirt, while Press just rolled her eyes and walked into the bathroom.

"Pres I'll be in the car, you got 5 mins before I illegally drive to school myself!" the girl hears, as she brushes her teeth. He is too comfortable P. she tells herself, even if she knows she enjoys the new connections they are making.

"I swear to god Luke if you-" *HONKK* "Luke!" she dragged out, slightly agitated at the car horn, but speeding to a slight jog while laughing.

"Took you long enough, come on we'll be late,"

"Since when does the Luke Patterson care about his timeliness?" I ask with a smirk, driving away from the garage I currently call home.

"Since a certain blue eyed beauty told me we were going to be late," a goofy grin plastered on his face as he boops Presley's nose.

Beauty? No, snap out of it press, he's just being his normal joking self.

I roll my eyes. "Wow luke, you are such a romantic" and laughing the duo drive around, picking up Alex and Reggie on their way to school Blasting Queen (Per Presley's request).

"Welcome back press," Reggie annonces, since this will be my first time back to school since leaving home.

"I'd say I'm glad to be back... but i'm not, glad we're almost done.'' I say, walking in between Reg and Luke, my arm playfully draped over Reggie's shoulder while Luke's is more seriously placed around my waist.

"Okay. well while you and Luke have been flirting for the past two weeks, Reg and I have been working out the strings so we can play the orpheum." Alex announces, Reggie nodding alone.

"Well that's perfect guys- hey where's bobby though? Shouldn't you guys tell him too?"

"He'll find out soon, after all you two live in his garage. But while Bobby is gone- doing whatever Bobby does..." Reggie trails off in what seems like the middle of a statement, or question.

"Fine, I'll ask her," Alex puffs out his chest before continuing. "We were hoping while Bobby's gone you will step in for him as our Rhythm Guitarist. Don't say you can't play because we all know you can."

Presley was a pretty good musician. She just hated performing, well more like the thought of it. Once Press began a show, there was no break in the performance until it ended. Some say she's actually quite the Show-Woman.

"I dunno. I mean sure I'll help in practice, but I don't want to do actual gigs. I'll embarrass myself." Presley was hopeful they'd drop the matter for now, knowing damn well Reggie's puppy eyes will probably get her to cave anyway.

"Fine. Fine, but when you kill it at a gig i'm going to say 'I told you so'" Luke shrugged off the topic, leading  Presley, Alex, and Reggie to their classes.

A / N:

hi!!! chapter 4, yay! I might upload one more today, depending on how much I manage to write. Hope you enjoyed! Happy Friday!!

- Lee (she/them)

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