Disappear Tomorrow

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Twelve ~ Disappear Tomorrow.

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"Hey Jules." Presley states, coming up to Julie in her room later that night.

"Oh my god you cannot keep doing that!"

"Sorry, I- I just wanted to talk to you... did you get back into your music program?" Presley asked with a hopeful smile, diminished immediately after seeing Julie frown.

"No. I have to wait until next semester." hearing those words Presley could only scoff. "What?"

"There's your first mistake. Asking, you get nowhere by asking."

"You sound like Luke right now," Julie retorts.

"Good! Maybe Luke can be right sometimes," the teenage girls are giggling while walking into the kitchen.

"What about me being right?" Luke pops his head out from behind Julie's fridge.

"Luke why are you in her fridge? We can't eat." Presley states, as Julie grabs the jam out of the fridge, allowing Presley to kick the door closed "Hah!"

"How did you do that? It took me forever to open and you just kicked it closed like nothing!"

"Maybe the ghost gods just really like it when I fuck with you Lukie," Patting his cheek the girl walks back over to Julie who has started making a sandwich. "Anyway, As someone who helped sunset curve get gigs I can tell you I only asked permission once, and that's because they said no... so I never asked permission again!"

"Okay Presley..." Julie says simply, getting a pointed glance from Presley. "I can't just barge in and perform no thanks, and even if I wanted to. Which I don't. I don't have anything to play."

"I thought you'd say that." with a cheeky grin Presley tells Luke to explain further on why they don't ask for permission, so she could grab her song book.

"Your tainted hotdog could be right around the corner," are the first words Presley hears as she poofs back into the room.

"Luke I swear to god, I didn't tell you to scare her! Go away, we are having a girl talk." She shoos the other ghost before opening her song book to show Julie. "Here. it's a song I wrote for the boys not long before we... well he told you about the hotdog. Anyway, it's called Bright, It's killer, and I already had the vocals tuned for me and we seem to have a similar range.. Here lets try."

Julie took the songbook and Presley started singing so Julie could get a feel for the song.

♪ "Your eyes, through the night.

You and I.

We will fight to shine together.

Bright forever

And rise, through the night" ♪

Julie starts to sing along with Presley as they go through the song.

♪ "You and I

We will fight to shine together," ♪

"Go up high..." Presley instructs the girl

♪ "Bright forever!" ♪

"Yes! See I told you! Your voice is perfect! And our harmony, ooh!" Presley does a little happy shimmy trying to brush Julie's shoulder, forgetting they can't touch.

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