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First chapter in the new year :)

Y/n POV:

Waking up in toby's grip in a room I don't know, wasn't what I expected.

Looking around, I noticed that there was a small bathroom or maybe closet-? One window on the other side of the room, and one king sized bed.

Where are we-?

Suddenly toby began to stir and wake up beside me, his hands removing themselves from my waist to his eyes.

He yawned as he rubbed his eyes, looking adorable.

He was dangerous, a fucking killer yet he could be so adorable that it's actually concerning-.

"Toby... where are we-?" I asked, this was definitely not the cabin...

"Oh.. slender man found us after.. ya know.. he offered my memories and a place to stay and all we have to do is work for him" Toby mumbled, sitting up. His back popped many times to make myself cringe.

"You fucking glow stick-" I laughed, a smile forming on my face.

"Me? A glow stick? Your must haven't seen a mirror because you are a glow stick" He answered, looking at me smirking.

"How am I a glow stick-?" I asked, confused but still smiling.

"Cause you light up the dark when your near me" His smirk grew, eyes sparkling as he watched me turn into a tomato.

"I-I" I didn't know how to respond, blush flooded my face as my heart sped up, how was I suppose to respond-?!

He grabbed my chin, pulling my face towards his.

"Oh? Is y/n embarrassed-?" His smirk was like a Cheshire smirk, and he knew he was embarrassing me.

"U-Um.." I didn't know what to say to that. I honestly didn't.

He pulled me into a kiss, pulling me close. Blush covered his cheeks as he closed his eyes and I did the same.

His lips were warm and tasted like sweets, I liked it.

I let him pull me onto his lap, melting into the kiss more.

I could feel the scars that were on his lips, maybe from when he would chew on them?

"Hey guys-" the door opened.

Quickly pulling away and pushing myself off of Toby's lap, I looked at the door.

A girl with brown hair and a clock for a eye stood there pissed.

"Go downstairs when your ready" She rudely said to me as then she looked toby, sweetly smiling towards him before shutting the door.

Blush still sat on my cheeks as I looked over at Toby.

"I don't like her, she looked at you rudely" His eyes were faded, the look of bloodlust on his face.

"You never know toby" I said, gently smiling at him.

Blush coated his cheeks as he hugged me, smiling.

I was happy.

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