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Y/n POV:

I groaned as pain hit me hard, my eyes slightly opening. Everything was fuzzy and the pain in my head felt like someone hit me in the head with a sledge hammer.

What happened...?

Finally getting my normal vision back, I looked around the room, cautiously. It was a room with plain tan colored walls and no windows. There was one single bed in the far corner and a steel door.
What was behind the steel door...?

Looking down at my body, chains wrapped around my stomach and held my hands behind my back, as I sat in a chair.

What's with killers and chains? Like god damn..

I groaned louder as the pain in my head grew more, hurting more and more. I felt warmth drip off my head and then I realized why my head was hurting so much.

These motherfuckers cracked the back of my head open.

Angry flashed in my chest for a millisecond because fear replaced it.

What happened? I remember running from a girl, she was trying to kill me, so I ran into my room...?

But I can't remember what happened after that, it was as if it was just misty fog.

"Oh bunny~ your awake!" I heard someone say as a door creaked open.

(I see you tamaki amajiki simps~ ;))

I looked up confused to only see the one and only bitchy bloody painter.

Out of all the people it had to be my friends killer.


Sighing I looked back down, my head pounding really was killing me.

"Tch.. bunny, you act as if I'm a killer... oh wait I am~" He shouted, laughing crazy-like, tears in his eyes.

"Now we will be having fun kitten"


Toby POV:

I laughed loudly as my foot made contact with the rakes back.

He yelped in pain, clawing at me but I felt none of it.




I laughed harder as I put more pressure into his back, slowly making my way to hear the nice pop of a broken spine.


"Oh so it's a him~"

I used my other foot to put pressure on one of his arms, hearing s nice small pop from the bones as I slammed my foot onto the bone.

"f-Fine! Their with bloody painter! The cabin that's north from the mansion, the farther-est one!" The rake screamed out, his body going still for a slight moment.

"Good bud, now don't go warning him I'm coming or next time I'm doing worse then I did this time~" I sweetly said as I began to walk that way.

I'm going to get my doll back, I swear on slender himself

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