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Y/n POV:

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Y/n POV:

I sat there, shocked and trying to decide what to do..

Should I leave or stay?

If I leave not only will I have no where to go, but I'll be alone.. the murders of everyone around me was probably put on me too..

If I stay, I will be staying with a man who kidnapped me, is obsessed with me, he's crazy and killed people before, hell he still does kill people!

But.. I can't help but feel pity for him.. the need to comfort him and help him..

Should I stay...?

Oh god I sound crazy... but fuck it I am messed up..

I'm going to stay!

I stood up, my legs shaking as I slowly left the room, walking into the hallway.
Looking around I noticed it looked like a normal cabin but...

Something was off...

I don't think toby owns the cabin but.. the person who did.. doesn't exist anymore..

I walked down the hall, peaking into the living room, it looked like your normal living room expect the weapons on the table..

Peaking my head into the kitchen area, only to see toby his back facing me, shirtless as he cooked, scars covering his back.

Blushing I quickly looked away and walked back into the living room, my face red.

But.. why'd he have so many scars covering his back? It almost looked like a whips work..

"O-Oh! Hey y/n.." I heard toby say from behind me as I turned around.

Toby stood in the doorway with a bowl full of noodles, still shirtless, his scars where on his chest and stomach too..

"H-Hey toby?" I asked, nervously, what if he gets mad or upset over me asking? What if he stops being kind to me...?

"Yes Y/n?" Toby answered, setting his bowl down on the table after making room by moving the weapons to the side.

"How'd you get all of those scars..?" I asked, my hands shaking as I fiddled with my fingers nervously.

Toby looked down at his scars before looking at me, "To be honest I don't know.. the big boss, slenderman, he took my memories from me.." Toby mumbled, sitting down.

"Why'd he take them?" I asked curiosity filling me.

"I don't remember why.." He sighed, playing with his noodles with his fork.

"Oh.. I-I'm sorry" I mumbled, sitting down beside him awkwardly. I looked at him confused as he chuckled, a smile on his lips as he looked at his noodles.

"You shouldn't be sorry y/n.. I mean I did technically kidnap you.. I should be saying sorry instead of you.." He chuckled out as he took a bite from the noodles.

I sat there silently, not knowing what to do or to say, jumping slightly in shock as Toby stood up to leave.

"Look y/n.. you don't have to stay.. I know you want to leave.." He mumbled as he walked away.

"I'm not leaving.." I whispered out as he was almost out of the room.

"Huh,"He turned back around and looked at me confused,"what was that y/n?"

"I said I'm not leaving.." I stated, looking up at him, my eyes not leaving his.

"..." he turned around to leave, his body slightly shaking.

"Thank you y/n... also.. I'm sorry.. I really am.." he said as he walked out of the room, leaving me shocked.

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