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Y/n POV:

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Y/n POV:

My blood ran cold as my body froze in its place. I could feel the fear squeezing my body as I heard footsteps get closer to me.
My mind screamed at me to run, to turn around, to fight, to say something! But I couldn't. I was stuck, fearful of what was to come.

'RUN! BITCH FUCKING RUN!' My brain was screaming at me, my body was shaking, my mind was racing.
But I was frozen in place.

"Don't worry love, I'll kill everyone who hurts you... and I'll kill you if I can't have you" The person said behind me, I could tell they were male and they did not plan on letting me escape from them.
Hopefully that plan in their head doesn't work out.

I quickly got up and ran, almost tripping and falling on the stairs but didn't.

"Oh love, don't make this hard, if you keep running you will end up dead" The voice said, walking after me. Their voice was ringing in my ears as their footsteps echoed in the open room.

I turned right to the my room, the only place in the house that doesn't lock on the outside.

Running inside, I turned around to lock the door, seeing the person, still a few feet away from me with a knife in their hand and blood dripping from it, but that wasn't what stopped me, no, it was the head dangling in the persons other hand.

The person laughed as they realized that I had seen the head, setting it down on floor, it's face looking at me.

It's eyes were wide with fear, bloodshot from crying, it's mouth was open, from them screaming when they died, blood running out it's mouth, their hair all messing and blood was soaked into their  hair... Emily's hair.

It was Emily.

I screamed, stepping back, causing me to fall on my ass, scared.

The eyes just stared back at me.

"Oh love, see? I'll hurt anyone who hurts you!" They shouted, laughing psychotic.

I look at their face and I wish I didn't.
They had black hair with a mask on, pitch gray-ish blue eyes that hold murder and a smile running Across the mask, in fresh blood, Emily's blood.

"W-WHO ARE YOU?!" I screamed, pissed and scared, my body was shaking.

"Oh love... I'm bloody painter and you are going to be my mine or end up being my new art work for the police to find~" They yelled, running at me.

Screaming I kicked the door closed, getting on my knees and locking it, crying, sobbing.

Suddenly there was tapping on the window, behind me.

Turning around slowly, I looked behind me to see a man face.

He had fluffy brown hair and orange goggles on with a mask that covered the bottom part of his face, that too looked like a smile.

My mind was screaming cuss words but I could not move.

Even when they started to open the window, bloody hatchet in hand.

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