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Y/n POV:

I stared at the ceiling, thinking everything over.

He was sorry?

I can also leave whenever I want too?

The big boss took his memory's but why? Why take them from a teen who's got no business with you?

I sighed as I rubbed my eyes, slightly yawning, I was tired but couldn't make myself fall asleep. I always get annoyed when I can't sleep when I'm tired, it makes me annoyed that when I crave sleep for once I can't get it.

Rolling over to my side I looked at the wall that held dry blood on itself.
It wasn't a bad mix in the colors to be honest, it sorta looked nice.. or maybe I'm just losing it..?

I sat up, annoyed, I wanted to sleep so bad, but for some reason I couldn't sleep...

I wonder if the whole sally thing was a trap, if they were playing with me slowly leading me towards my death?

I suppose I'll never know, and I don't know if I even want to know..
A group of killers coming after me..  that knows everything about me, it unsettles me.

They could be watching me from a distance for all I know right now.. they were watching me since dads death.. so many years.. so many information that they have on me.. they have about me..

I subconsciously looked out my window, scanning the tree line, looking for a shadow out of place or even maybe a glance at something shiny?

But they were also trained and performed this before, I would be no different from anyone else. They could hide and kill me just as easily as everyone else, there was nothing special to me..

Was there...?

Uneasy at the thought Of being watched as I slept, I stood up and tip toed down to Toby's room, hopping to beable to sleep in there and not mine.

I didn't feel safe in mine anymore...

Knocking in the door, Toby answered back with a tried voice to come in, his voice sounded kinda hot to be honest.

Walking in, I looked over to Toby who was sitting up in his bed, rubbing his eyes, looking at me confused.

"C-Can I sleep in here?" I mumbled, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Sure" Toby mumbled, laying back down, yawning.

I quietly walked to the floor beside the bed and started to set my blanket down only to be getting a confused look from Toby.

"Yes, Toby?" I asked looking at him, nervously under his glaze.

"Why are you sleeping on the floor? Sleep in the bed idiot" he mumbled, pulling the covers on the left side back, looking at me.

Slowly and carefully, I crawled into the bed, nervous by the idea of sleeping in the same bed as a killer, a man who's killed many.

I felt Toby's arms wrap around my waist, pulling me closer into his chest, causing me to stiffen up and blush at the sudden contact.

"Relax.. you won't fall asleep being stiff as a rock.." He mumbled, putting his face in the crook of my neck.

Slowly relaxing, I felt my eyelids get heavier with warmth around me.

"I promise y/n.. I won't let them hurt you.."

Schools started sadly, so updates will be slow again because I have to go to the building, which sucks. But I will be still updating here and there, so please don't give up on this book!

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