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I went limp against the wall; eyes widened and cold as I looked at jeff.

Did he just say y/n..was dead?

Ringing filled my ears as I could feel every inch of sanity left in my body snap like glass.

They couldnt be dead..


I left them alone..

"Who fucking killed them."
The words were cold, menacing. I didnt sound like me.
Who even was I anymore?
I didn't know.
I felt like nothing knowing the one person that I wanted was.. gone..

"No one knows idiot" Jeff said as he let go of me and stepped back, still upset.

Looking up at him, I could feel my world crumbling.
My everything.. they were dead..
Who could kill them.
They didn't harm anyone in this fucking house.

"When I find out who did, I'm going to make them wish they were never born."

Footsteps could be heard; rushed and coming towards my room.
Was someone else going to tell me about how y/n was dead?

..or maybe who her killer was?

My door slammed open causing me to look over; seeing ben gasping for air shaking terribly.

"Demon- Demons took y/ns body..-!"

"W h a t"

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