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Sitting up, water came up my throat as I rolled over and propped myself up with my elbows; puking out water.

It stung- wait where was I.

Looking up as I wiped my mouth, I noticed the place looked like.. hell.

Did I fall into hell?

Did I deserve this? Was I a bad person?

Looking around, I met the eyes of a tall black figure; a cloak on showing its power. However its red eyes pierced through the darkness the most.

"..w..who.." I struggled to speak, my throat was burning and it felt like I was suffocating.

"Dont speak child, it will only hurt worst. Come now, stand up." The figure spoke, holding its hand out to me.

Grabbing its hand, I stood up slowly; wobbly. My body felt heavy and tried, and it hurt.

"I am zalgo, your master" The black figure spoke, looking down on me. For some reason, I felt uncomfortable and anxious in his gaze.

"I..I worked for y-..you..?" I struggled to say, shaking. There was fire; heat all around us. Yet I felt colder then ice.


I worked for him? Zalgo? Is he satan?

What does that make me?

"w..who am i..i?" I asked, wanting to know. I mean I had a right to know who i was.

"Your name is lost, and you are my intern. Your powers make you stronger than you think, and will make a great successor one day" He stated, letting go of my hand and crossing his arms.

I was a intern? So I was someone that did have something in there life.

"Tell me more"


"master took that girl helan had-! SSSSsshe forgot who she wassss and he got her"
The rake told me, hissing like a snake.

The rake was such a weird creature.. and also a traitor. But in a way I was too.. thanks to helan.

So zalgo got y/n huh?..

I dont like the sound of that.

"What does he want with her?" I asked, trying to sound uninterested.

The rake shrugged, his fingers digging into the dirt.
"I heard he is taking her in and is making her think all these things so she'll become his little servant"


Y/n was not a servant.

She is a fucking boss, not a worthless servant.

"Has he touched her." I mumbled, trying to keep my anger dailed down.

"Not that I know of, but who knows. I also heard a few other rumors saying he wants to make her his queen"


Calming down after crying for a hour, my eyes felt sore and numb.

Y/n.. The people in this mansion are mean. There are only a few who are actually nice and dont find my games annoying.

Y/n was one of the nice people.

Tears filled my eyes again but I forced them down, standing up as I left the room, trying to not cry.

Walking down the hallway, I decided to pay my respect towards y/n. Finding EJs door, I opened it but stood there shocked.

A demon was standing over y/ns body.

"hEY-!! GO YOUR NOT WELCOMED HERE!" I shouted, running towards them.
It was one of zalgos servants.

Quickly, it looked up at me and made a inhuman like noise and grabbed y/n; disappearing into a black mist.

Silent filled the room as I stared at the now empty bed; the word lost burnt into the pillow.

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