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This is the final part, this book has been going on since 2020- it needs a ending. Hopefully, this is a good enough ending ❤️



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Weeks. Months. Nearly a year has passed.
Y/n's body has yet to be found. Anything about Y/n has yet to be found, it's like any traces of them just disappeared off of the face of the earth.

I miss them.
I miss their warmth.
I miss their voice.
Their touch.
Their comfort.
There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of them.
I haven't touched or looked at anyone else since they left, unable to handle it. I can't handle the guilt of their death- I can't let myself move on.
I couldn't stop them from dying, so I shouldn't let myself get over them.

The voices, everyday they scream their name.
Every day.
Every hour.
Every minute.
Every second.

Their screaming their name, over and over again.

Y/n POV:

Miles, miles, and miles. Where was I going? I'm not sure. Zalgo sent me into these woods, telling me I would find the women who killed me here.

I don't remember however.
I don't remember anything.

All I know that I was killed and turned into a demon. My name is lost and I am zalgos intern.

That's all the matters right?

A small sigh escaped my lips as I shook my head, trying to discreet the curious thoughts that were bubbling inside my head. Curiosity killed the cat, and I was not one to die again.
Continuing my walk, I kept my eyes wide open for anyone- anything. However finding people in these woods are harder then what it seems to be. I haven't seen any kind of life in miles, other then plants. It seemed odd but I kept that thought to myself- finding no purpose in voicing it.

For there was no one here to speak to but I, right?


"Y/n is alive.. and they are here in the woods.."

Slender spoke to us, his body emotionless standing in front of all the proxies while he spoke.
I don't know who was the first to speak, but everyone began to shout- including me.

"SILENCE. We will not be finding them at all. They are no longer the person you know, they no longer even remember anyone."

As he spoke, everyone went silent. No one dared to disobey him, everyone here knew better then that.
Clenching my jaw, I stared at him coldly. I wanted to speak out, I wanted to run out those doors. I didn't care if they didn't remember me, they were still y/n.

"Now we will not be telling Toby-"

Laughter filled the room from the doorway, causing everyone to look over- to see the one man who wasn't suppose to hear this conversation.

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