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Y/n POV:

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Y/n POV:

My body laid sore against the ground, freezing. I didn't get a once of sleep, my chin covered in dried blood.

Suddenly the door slammed open, revealing my mother in Toby's grip, bloody and bruised.

"M-Mom.." I sobbed out, fresh tears rolling out of my eyes, my voice cracking.

"Y-Y/n!" She yelled, Toby forcing her into a chair, tying her down.
She was barely even Recognizable because of how bad he beat her, blood soaked her outfit.

"See, y/n this happens when you disobey me!" Toby screamed as he walked over to the axe that was across the room.

"M-Mom I'm so so s-sorry! I-I don't know w-what to do! I-I don't want
y-you to die!" I cried, I was scared, I didn't want to be here in this Situation.

"It's ok honey... I'm sorry, I've treated you so poorly... I didn't know what to do when I lost your father and let my grief turn into toxic. I'm so sorry baby.. It's ok... Your father and I are proud of you.." Mother said back, as she smiled, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Toby came back over lifting the axe, starting to laugh and twitch. Sobs grabbed and pulled at my lungs as I screamed at him to stop, to think about it first.

He didn't listen though...

The axe came down and went right into my mother throat, blood going everywhere and on myself as her head fell to her side, only half of her neck attached to her body.

I screamed, looking down at the blood on my body, my mothers blood, Tears rolled to the floor as I screamed. I pulled on the chains, I never wanted to hurt someone so bad.

Toby looked at me and then back to my mothers dead figure.

"I don't think that's enough y/n... her face doesn't quite fit her body does it? I'll do her the favor, and cut the rest off!" He shouted pulling the axe out of her throat and swinging yet again.

I looked away, shaking, crying, and scared as I felt more blood spatter onto my skin.

"Oh dear, I hate to see you cry but you disobeyed me, Don't ever try again!" He yelled, stepping towards me.

He grabbed me chin and made me look at him, as he kneeled to me height.

"Now say sorry to me and I'll leave" he growled.

I felt rage boil in my chest, say sorry?! He just murdered my mother in front of my eyes, her blood covered my skin! Sure she wasn't the best mother but I still loved her! And he also kidnapped me, killed one of my friends, and broke into my house! I have nothing left.. nothing to lose..

"Fuck. You. Son. Of. A. Bitch!" I screamed in his face, spitting on his face.

He frowned and stood back up.
"Now that wasn't very kind y/n.. do I need to punish you for that too?" He frowned at me, whipping his face off.

"Kind?! I don't give a fuck what's kind to you motherfucker! You took so much from me and you expect me to say sorry to you! I won't ever say sorry to a bastard like you!" I screamed, pulling on the chains.

Before I knew it, he kicked me in the stomach, my body hitting the wall behind me.

"Ts ts ts y/n.... you should of really known better... now I have to punish you yet again" Toby whispered, walking up to me, kicking me in the side yet again, over and over again, I could feel the skin tearing and blood spilling everywhere but I didn't care, I couldn't even think, my body just reacted and tried to fight back, hitting his legs.

He growled and kicked me hand back, my heart dropping as I heard it snap.

He continued to kick my body against the wall like it was nothing but a bag of trash, my blood mixing into my mothers.

I could fell darkness nagging at my, sleep singing me a peaceful black space with no pain.

I felt my eyes slowly close, pain slowly drifting away as I felt myself fall into the darkness.

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