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I didn't know who or what y/n was.

But I did know I was lost.

Debating, I chewed on my bottom lip; ignoring the slight sting from it.
Will it help me find out who I am if I open the lost door..?
Only one way to find out..

Slowly, I opened the door that had the word lost on it; nervous. I didnt know who I was- nor what I've done to be here. But i know I've lived a life, and I wasnt done living it yet.

Taking a step into the pitch black room, my body fell forward into a black abyss.

There was no floor..

I was falling.


Bursting into Toby's room, rage filled my chest.

Y/n was dead and what was he doing?
He was destroying everything over anger towards his father. Nothing about y/n.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

Grabbing toby by his shoulders, I slammed him as hard as I could against the wall. However he just laughed, unable to feel any pain from it.

Fucking asshole.

He struggled in my grip, screaming in my face to let him go.

"GET OFF MY YOU SMILE FREAK" He shouted while his neck popped and twitched.

I simply just raised one of my fist and punched him as hard as I could manage, in the face.

Blood dripped down his nose slowly as his manic episode shut down fully; looking at me with his pathetic dead like eyes.

"Jeffery woods let go of me" He said calmly, yet threatening me.

However I wasnt done with the pathetic freak.

"Y/n Is dead and you dont even care?! How the fuck can you even look at yourself right now?! I THOUGHT YOU LIKED THEM YOU FUCKER" I shouted as my anger grew, shaking.

His eyes widen as he went silent; staring at me almost as if he was shock.


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