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Y/n POV:

Waking up in the bed alone and cold wasn't what I thought I would wake up too. Wrapping the thick warm blanket around my shoulders, I left the room, set on finding Toby.

Walking into the kitchen, I saw a note on the counter, yellow and crippled. Walking up to the note and gently grabbing it, reading it.

"Gone for a kill, be back soon, don't go outside

Right.. he kills people, how could I forget that...

Sighing, I looked around the kitchen, it looked like your normal kitchen expect the photos of whoever owned this cabin first on the wall.

Looking at them, I felt a little upset.

It was a man and his wife, he has light grey hair and brown eyes, she had white hair and blue eyes.
Their wedding rings glimmered in the photo, showing that it was real diamond.

I remember wanting to get married when I was younger, the idea Disney put in my head, that it would give me all the happiness in the world...it was a foolish dream.

Happiness doesn't truly exist in this world.

Getting married would be a foolish thing to do anyway, I'm stuck in a house- well I could leave if I wanted too but I have a group of killers stalking me, waiting for the prefect moment to strike.

I would only put them in danger by marrying them...

I don't need a prince, I don't need a princess nor a person to make me happy. Chocolate does good and doesn't bring heartbreak so I'll be sticking to it.

Slightly smiling to myself, I walked out of the kitchen to the hallway, what part of this house have I not explored?

Hmm.. oh right the basement!

Turning towards the door to the basement, a uneasy feelings settled within me, the door was soaked in dried blood and looked like it was the door to hell...

Slowly opening the door, I gasped at the site in front of me.

The man and the wife... dead.

I gagged at the smell once it hit me, it smelled terrible. Their body's stuck against the wall and the bookshelf, it was so bloody that I could see it from the top of the stairs.

Shutting the door, holding back the urge to throw up, i turned around and ran towards the living room. Opening a window, I inhaled the cold air from outside, trying to get rid of the thought of the dead body's in my mind.

I turned around, walking to the kitchen to splash cold water on my face.

I didn't look at the photos as I walked into the room, I walked straight to the sink and turned it on, bending down and getting a handful Of water and splashing my face.

It wasn't until someone grabbed the back of my head and pushed my head down in the water that was filling the sink that someone was in the house.

And now they were trying to drown me.

I kicked at whoever was behind me, trying to fight, grabbing at the hand in my hair.

Panic rose in my chest as my lungs burned and the person holding me down didn't move a inch, no matter how hard I kicked them.

I felt my eyes tear up as pain bloomed in my chest, my mind screaming for air, my mouth opening gasping for air against my will. I choked on water as screamed, trying to get out of the person grip. I kicked with all my strength into their kneel, trying to get away, trying to get air.

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