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"How do you feel?" Slender asks me from his desk.

In all honestly, I felt like shit. And a bunch of trauma has been loaded back onto me.
So I wasn't ok. At all.

"I'm ok" I answer him, absolutely lying.

But he didn't seem to care, he just nodded and sent me on with my day.

Why keep these memories from me?

Of father hitting me.
Father hitting my sister.
Of sisters death.
Mother being a coward and never stepping in when father hit us.. yet I still found myself caring for her..

..Lyra Rogers..
That was my sisters name..
She had blonde hair..
She looked like father yet.. she didn't act like him..

Oh dear sister.. she never judged me.. sister loved me.
But she had to die in that foolish car accident..
Father didn't even fucking care, he didn't even come to the hospital-! That's bastard should die-!

Wait.. no no that's right.. I already killed him. Haha.. I killed him.. I killed him for all that he had done-!!

{Third person}

Toby would walk into his room, slamming his door shut. His mind was so full of bloodlust and memories that he didn't even think about Y/n.

Oh poor Y/n..

They're going to be severely messed up at this point.

Toby couldn't care, nor think straight.
Miles and miles could feel his loath and bloodlust.

"All the scars-! Hahaha! All the scars are from him!! Not some foolish accident, thEIR FROM THAT BASTARD HAHAHA!" Hed shout. He was falling off the ledge, losing all control over the sanity he had left.

Toby was going insane all over again.
And no one could stop him.


"Prefect.. Just as I planned, once he loses all control, he won't care for that silly mortal and we can just kill them-!" Slender would say to himself, pleased as he watched toby through the camera hidden in his room. The camera was simply put there first to see if they could trust him but now.. now it's even more useful.

Watching toby throw things around his room, laughing loudly and screaming, slender was pleased.

He was going to make toby a official proxy soon, and he could not have any weak spots left.

The human, y/n was they're name, was just a weakness, something dragging him down from loosing it all, from going into the level of insanity that he needs him in. Sally saw y/n at their weakest.. saw them as a friend.. Sally will get over it.

They needed to die.

Toby needs to not care for it when they does.

"If my plan works right.. they'll be dead by tomorrow afternoon.. prefect." Slender would mumble to himself, laughing.

No one seemed to notice jane sneaking into the medical room.

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