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Y/n POV:

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Y/n POV:

I woke up, my head pounding and my ears ringing. Groaning, I sat up, my eyes adjusting to the darkness of the room. My hands were cuffed and I could barely move them without pain sworn into my wrist.

The floor and walls were wood, so was the ceiling so I must be in a cabin.

There was dark spots on the ground which I hope is not blood, there's a bed and there's also a table with food on it.

I stood up, leaning against the wall for support, I felt something cold on my ankle.

Looking down, I saw there was a chain wrapped around my ankle and was connected to the wall, it was a short chain, I couldn't reach the bed nor the food.

Groaning I slid back down on the wall to the floor, tears pouring into my eyes and falling into the dark spots on the floor.

"W-Why me..?" I whispered, my voice cracking, my throat dry. My body was sore and felt sluggish still.

The door slowly creaked opened and I quickly shut my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

I could hear his footsteps getting closer to me, echoing in the room.

I felt something warm against the side of my face wiping the tears, his hand.

"I know your awake love, open your beautiful eyes for me..." I heard him say but kept my eyes shut from fear.

Suddenly I felt a a pinching sting under my eye and I quickly opened my eyes and looked at him.

He pulled his hand away, he was pinching me, and smiled at me.

"There you go love, see how easy that was?" He mumbled, smiling at me.

"Y-Yes..." I whispered, looking down, fear eating at me.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you love" He stated as he pulled my chin up to look at him.

"Y-Yes.." I whispered, tears pulling at my eyes again.

"Don't cry.. oh please don't cry, I don't like it when you cry, it hurts" He whispered, pulling me into a hug, his warmth surrounding my cold body.

"Now you see the food, the bed? You get the food if you listen to me.. you get the bed if you swear on your poor old dear mothers life to not try to escape...~" He purred into my ear, his arms locked around my body.

"I-I swear.." I mumbled, my body shaking, already thinking of a plan to leave.

"Swear to what?~"

..I felt my stomach dropped as he asked that, swearing on my mothers life was something I didn't like to do, sure she was a insane bitch, but I still cared for her, I couldn't just stop caring for her.

"I-I swear on my m-mothers life to never e-escape.." I mumbled, my voice cracking from the need of water.

"Good, now you get some food-" He stood up and walked over to the food and water, grabbing it and walking back to me.

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