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Y/n POV:

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Y/n POV:

I woke up, my body sore and bloody.
I looked over my body, seeing it covered in bandages, at least he cares enough to do that.

Looking at my arm, I stared at it in confusion. It was snapped back into place? But it was still bruising? How did he even Properly move it back into place? 

"Y/n? Are you out here? They said your missing!" I heard a little girl scream from outside, sally... SALLY?!

I stood up quickly, even if my body didn't want to, and looked out the window that was on the other side of the room, where I couldn't reach.

Sally was outside, with her teddy bear, walking around.

"SALLY! RUN!" I screamed as I saw toby running towards her.

Her head snapped to the side, looking at Toby and ran, she ran fast and deep into the woods.

Toby chased after her, screaming.

I could feel my mind getting worried and scared for her.. she was only 8..

//time skip//

I leaned my head against the wall, Toby hasn't been back yet and it's been almost 4 hours. It was almost dark..

I looked up quickly as the door open, Toby entering the room, looking rather pissed.

"Who was she?" He demanded, kneeling down to my height. (Your sitting down)

"You can see her?!" I shouted, shocked, no one else could see her..

"Yea? Why wouldn't I? Now tell me!" He yelled, getting annoyed.

"Sally, but it doesn't matter, no one else can see her" I mumbled out, looking down.

"Shit, that means she with that fucking slenderman guy, we have to move now, come on!" He yelled, unlocking my chains.

"Run and your dead" He told me, eyes full of venom, as I was off the chains.

I nodded my head yes, rubbing my wrist.

Toby grabbed my lower arm and pulled me out of the house, his hatchet in hand, dragging me to somewhere new.

"Why are we leaving?" I asked quietly, nervous.

"Because sally works with slenderman, one of the upper monsters here, he's a dick to anyone who isn't a proxie, kills humans, and knows where we were now" He states, pulling me farther into the woods.

"Why would he come to us?" I asked, I was confused, why would this... creature that I don't even know come to us, me.

"Because if you see them, then they let you or your a proxy... So ether one of them found you and couldn't kill you, something bad was happening in your life at the time and told slenderman, he ether made you a proxy of his without you knowing so you could see and be safe from them, maybe even took a liking into you so he let you see them.. or they are trying to kill you and have to sometime" he states, dragging me into a new building.

Just what I need...

More confusion.

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