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Y/n POV:

I sat with my back against the cold wall, shaking. Blood dripped down my chin as bloody painter laughed in amusement, his mask was off, showing his wide blue eyes. His thumb brushed against my chin, whipping the blood off. He turned around, adding the blood to the rest of my blood of the wall. The image He was making on the wall was me, smiling brightly, dripping in my own blood.

I hated it. I hated the image with a passion. It was how he wanted me to look at him, with that love-sick expression. It wasn't me in that, it was who he wanted me to be.

Someone who I never will be.

"Say... baby, I have a odd theory" He looked back at me, taking his mask fully off.

I hated his eyes with a passion.

"Now all this blood of yours... taken from you by me, would be enough blood for a human body"

He slowly walked towards me, his words seemed to start dripping with venom.

What did he mean to enough blood for a human body?

He bent down, his eyes reaching my eyes level, his face stone yet his eyes.. his horrible eyes held one emotion.


"Why didn't you tell me honey?" He asked, his voice soaked in venom covered in sugar.

"T-Tell you what..?" I asked, what did he mean??

"Your not human, you can't possibly be, not with this much blood lost and still be alive" He voice slightly raising.

Did he think I was a monster like him-?

Anger bubbled in my chest as I looked at him, "Look I'm not a freak like you, alright? I was human the last time I checked and I still am-!" I shouted, not thinking.

Which was a stupid idea but I seem to have a streak of making them.

His hand made contact with my face, his rings cutting my skin as he slapped me.

Pissed, I looked back at him and spit on him, not even caring anymore.

His eyes shown all the rage he held, even with his stone face as he wiped the spit off his face.

"You little-"

"Touch then again and your dead" The windows glass broke, flying all over the floor, to reveal toby.

I never thought I would be happy to see someone who kidnapped me and killed my mother but look where we are now.

Bloody painter fell back, but laughed, his eyes wide. Toby jumped on top of him, holding him down.

I sat there, watching them fight. What was I suppose to do? I had no weapons, no strength at the moment and blood lost as taken a bit out of me.

Wait, he nurses his and angels wounds-! He has to have some sort of medical tools around here somewhere!
Medical tools could be used as a weapon if I don't find anything before that-!

I stood up, slightly leaning against the wall and started limping to the door, trying my hardest to ignore the men fighting and yelling not even 20 feet away from me.

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