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Y/n POV:

I didnt know where I was or how I got here. Truly I didnt even know who I was. Walking through the empty black hallways, the only sound was my footsteps echos.
A uneasy feeling covered my body as I walked. As if someone was watching me walk mindlessly throughout these hallways.
"Hello? Is anyone there?" I asked, stopping and looking around. I didn't expect a answer honestly.. So I didn't understand why the silent made me frown.
As I continued to walk down the hallway, I noticed two doors. They stood out in the darkness, since they were colored white. Looking above the doors, there was two names written in a red substance.

"Y/N" and "Lost"

W..Who is y/n? Why did that name sound..like I heard it before..
Looking at the door, the handle seemed to be covered in.. water? Something wet and cold hit my right foot as I glanced down and noticed that water was coming out from under the "y/n door" and blood was coming out from underneath the "lost door".
That did not settle right with me.

Looking back and forth between the doors I tired to decide which one I was suppose to go through.

Y/n.. I didnt know who that was. Was it me? But wouldnt I remember..? Why couldnt I remember? Did something happen to me..?

Or was this my whole life? Endlessly walking in this abyss?..

That didnt seem like a life though. Life is something you live right..? So how could mine be just endlessly walking..?

No.. it couldn't be my life. I know it wasnt my life.

'But how could I be so sure..?'

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