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Great now I was locked in a new room! But luckily this room was bigger and I didn't have chains..

And my mothers blood wasn't stained on the floor..

I sighed and sat down on the floor, my back leaning against the wall as I let my train of thought take over.

Why did he do this?

He acts like a Yandere but yet he'd leave me for dead with the other guy the day he kidnapped me, so why is he not giving me up to the "one of the big bosses" of the woods? It's makes no since, it's almost like this guy is bipolar like mom..!


He might be, he obviously has some other issues, he twitches and stutters sometimes, but he has the most random mood swings that it makes to much since, maybe he is..

It doesn't matter anyway, I need to figure this "big boss" out, and why he lets me see them.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Toby asked as he walked into the room, food in his hands.

"Thinking, can I have some food?" I asked, my mouth watering at the idea of food, I haven't ate since 2 days ago.

He tossed me a apple, before sitting down on the ground himself in front of me.

I bit down on the apple, the juice filling my mouth felt like heaven, I quickly ate it.

"So, when did ya know, the sally thing start?" Toby asked, looking down, messing with his hands.

"Hm?" I asked, confused.

"Like when did you first met them" He asked, looking up at me, curious.

"Oh well about 4-5 years ago when my dad died.." I answered, rubbing the back of my neck. Why was I telling him this?

"Oh.." He mumbled, his eyes trailing over the bruises and cuts on my skin, before looking back down at the ground.

"I'm really sorry for when I.. When I hurt you.." He mumbled, his voice sounding sad, almost depressed sounding.

"Oh.." I looked over at him, his face held a frown and almost a disappointment look in his face, maybe he's upset he hurt me?

I looked down at the ground, at what was left of my apple; feeling awkward.

"..I hurt you because I.. I am twisted and messed up.. I am only hurting you.." His voice cracked as he forced that out, he sounded like he was about to break down..

Why did I feel..pity?

He pulled me in a hug, tears streaming down his face, my heart cracking.

"I-I'm Sorry!" He shouted as I hugged him back..

It's been so long since I felt a other humans touch in a positive way.. almost like I'm touch starved..

Tears weld up in my eyes as I thought that, my kidnapper, being the only person who's hugged me since my dads death other then sally and them..

"I promise I'll be better from now on.. if you leave I won't stop you.." He mumbled as I felt the chains come off my wrist.

"If you stay till tomorrow morning, I'll give you affection and be good to you, if you leave then I will not come after you and leave you be.. I'll let you go.." He mumbled as he pulled away from the hug, standing up, never meeting my eyes.

"If you end up leaving me... g-goodbye y/n..." He mumbled before leaving the room.


A( leave him


B( Don't leave

It's up to you!!

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