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Should I post a valentines special on valentines? 🤔

Y/n POV:

Me and Ben shoved our faces full of food, as Jeff looked around for ice cream.

"You look like a chipmunk with your cheeks full of food guys" Jeff joked, looking over at us.

Me and Ben burst out laughing, choking on our food in the process.

Tears in our eyes, we leaned to the side, trying to breath while still laughing.

Right when I moved, a knife flew into the chair where my head once was.

The impact of the knife longing into the chair caused the chair to fall back, with me in it.

Landing on the floor, I looked over at Ben and Jeff who rushed over to me.
Panic settled in my chest, as my breaths came out shorter and ragged

Ben made sure I was alright as Jeff grabbing the knife and looked at it, his shoulders slightly slagging.

"I'll be right back guys" He mumbled before walking off.

"Does he know who's knife that is?" I ask, wiping my mouth with my Sleeve.

"It looked like Janes knife to me, she's the only proxy I know of who has a silver flower on the handle" Ben answered honestly, helping me stand up.

My legs wobbled a little bit, so I leaned against the table.

"Why would jane wanna kill me? I've never even meet her" I sighed, looking at how deep the knife went into the chair.

"Because her and Jeff have old history together and she still wants revenge" Ben whispered, looking away from me.

'Revenge..?' I thought as I sighed again.

Suddenly I heard my name being called.

Peaking into the living room, sat the girl was the clock in her eye and and a pitch of tea?

Slowly walking over to her, I forced smiled.

"Yes? And I never caught your name" I said in my best fake cheery voice.

"Oh my name in clockwork, and as a sign of friendship, have some tea! It's something me and my old friend made up. We'd give tea to those who we wanted to be friends with." She said, smiling back, handing me a cup.

I didn't trust this nor her a single bit.

But what was I suppose to do? Not drink it and piss her off? Hurt her if what she says is true?

Slowly bringing it to my lips, I took a small sip.

My vision seemed to be shaking as my body felt heavy and painful to move. I felt like I was going to puke from how much my head was spinning.

I could see the eye in her eye and her smile. That was all. Her smile was cruel and wicked.

Then everything went black.

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