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Y/n POV:

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Y/n POV:

I turned around and opened the door, running out to the hallway, the first bloody man no where in sight.

Suddenly a hand reached out and grabbed my waist, pulling me back into the room.

I struggled to get out of the mans grip has he slammed the door shut and locked it again.

He set me down on the floor and looked at me, pulling his mask down giving me a playboy smile.

"Hey love! It's nice to finally talk to you! Now ether you come with me and not be killed by the other guy or other ways.." He whispered, leaning down to my height, his face rather close to mine.

"H-Huh?! Who are you?!" I shouted, backing up, my back hitting the wall.

"I'm toby but many know me as Ticci toby, and your y/n, yes I know love, if I didn't know your name well then that would be awkward" He whispered, his eyes holding a psycho look in them.

"L-Love?!" I shouted, shocked, nervous and most of all, scared.

"Ah yea, your my mine and only mine, others who touch you will die" He said, pulling me into a hug.

"H-Huh?!" I shouted and pushed him away. Looking down on my hands I noticed the blood... the thick and warm blood all over my hands.

"wha... w-who's blood is this?!" I shouted, I was scared, who wouldn't be?!

"Well some girls were making fun of you... mine y/n and well I had too punish them..." He whispered into my ear, my face heating up but my heart about to burst in fear.

"Now I'm sorry love but this is the only way you'll come with me..." He mumbled, making me face him.

"W-Wha-?!" I started to say but was cut off when he pulled me into a kiss.

Fear and confusion shook my body as my eyes widen in surprise.

His lips felt smooth but rough at the same time, tasing like syrup.

I felt my body trying to pull away but his one arm was locked on around my body.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head.

Gasping and wincing, I felt my body fall again his.

"I hate to hurt you love.." He mumbled

"So don't disobey me.." He said a little bit louder as my vision went black.

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