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Y/n POV:

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Y/n POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night, from a odd noise in the house. Goosebumps covered my arms from the chilly night before I sat up.  I glanced around before noticing something that made my Herat drop.

There was a note with blood on it, at the end of my bed.

This had to be some sick joke, some sick joke from someone at school.

I took a deep breath; reaching out and grabbed it, blood getting on my hands.

"I'm always watching" I mumbled out loud, that's what it said.

Suddenly I didn't feel so great, I felt scared and freaked out.

I felt sick.

I got out of my bed, letter still in hand, running to the bathroom.
I slammed the door open, puke already coming out of the side of my mouth as I tried to hold it in but failed.

I feel to my kneels, feeling weak, as I puked.
Tears pulled up into my eyes as I finished. The stinging pain and sour taste in my mouth made me gag.

I leaned back against the wall, knowing I should clean this up before mom see but I didn't care at the moment, I felt horrible.

My legs felt weak and my head was spinning. Standing up and using the wall to lean against as I walked over to the cabinet for a towel.

I grabbed it and proceeded to clean the puke before I looked over at the note.

Blood wasn't on the note it was coming from inside it.

I picked up the note slowly, my hand shaking, slowly fully opening the note.

A finger fell out of it with a ring still on it.

I screamed and freaked out, pushing myself against the wall.

That ring was Lila's.

That was her finger!

Tears poured down my face as I slid down the wall, sobbing.

I was scared.

I didn't know if they were teasing for her death or showing me they killed her for me.

Tears ran down my face as I couldn't stop crying, not caring that the hand I held up to my face over my mouth had blood all over it. I kicked the finger away from me, to the corner of the room, I felt disgusting.

I was the reason Lila died.

Suddenly mother, who didn't look so happy, slammed open the door and threw a rag at me.

"Y/N! SHUT UP! IM TRYING TO SLEEP!" She screamed, she didn't notice or she just simply didn't care about the blood.

She walked away, slamming her door shut as I began to clean the blood, still crying gently.

I was the reason Lila died.

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