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Y/n POV:

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Y/n POV:

Walking home from school, I hummed quietly to myself. I was walking through the woods again, hoping to see more spirits this time. Mainly sally, she was a lovely girl- I haven't seen her in awhile but I can still hope.
It's been years however, I was 10 the last time I saw them.

"It's just their way of grief, someone in their family died so their mind made up another family and made them see them. These pills will help but it'll take years for their mind to stop trying to get them to see things"
The doctor looked down at me, eyeing me before looking back to my mom. Mother had tears in her eyes, refusing to even look in my direction.
"How can I fix her faster?! That's my babygirl, I can't leave her like this-!"
She raised her voice to the doctor before he led her out of the room to talk away from me.
What was wrong with me? Why didn't mother love me like this?

I stopped in my tracks at the memory, looking down at the ground quietly. The doctor wasn't right.. right-?
That man was stupid, I wasn't seeing things.
I didn't need the pills.


Looking back up, I glanced around myself; hearing my name. However no one was there, it sounded like sally; but she wasn't here. It was possibly just my mind playing tricks on me.

Sally was sweet and would give me hugs when I'd cry about dads death.
I whisper, looking around as if I was crazy.

Hell. . . I might just be.

"Y/n" I heard her whisper out, almost in a tired voice- almost creepy.
"Where are you." I couldn't see her, I didn't know where she was.
"Follow my voice.." Her voice sent chills down my back, it sounded like sally- but I don't think it was sally.
"Who is this" I asked, growing stiff.

"Follow me." She stated, her voice drifting away; moving away.

Suddenly the woods was silent. No chirps, no leaves crunching nor bugs buzzing. It was just silent, as if it just died.
My grip on my bag tightened as dread filled my chest; my heart beginning to race.


I quickly turned around, a scream getting stuck in my throat as I stared in front of myself in horror.
A creature stood in front of me, it was skin and bones practically. One of its claw's reached out for me but panic filled my chest.

Turning around, I ran home without looking back.

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