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Y/n POV:

I fought to keep my eyes open as I felt blood run down my chin from my lip.
My body was aching and screaming yet I could feel nothing.

He rapped me.

He touched me in places I didn't want to be touched.

Tears ran down my face as I felt disgusted, I felt sick.

"What's with the tears darling? Dont you understand that this is what you get? You've been asking for it" Bloody painter whispered into my ear from behind me as his hands traced my sides.

"A-Asked..?! I-I never asked..to be
f-fucking rapped you s-sicko-!" I shouted, rage bubbling up inside my chest.

"Well look at those clothes you wore, those shorts that were just the right amount of shortness in the summer, the tank tops.. those lovely little crop tops that you wore here and there too~" His hands started to trace my thighs, slowly.

I pulled at the chains, I felt exhausted but dirty. I wanted to go home! I didn't want to be here!

"I-I felt confident in those clothes!
T-That's why I w-wore them!" I shouted, tears falling out of my eyes faster as my voice cracked.

His hands got closer and closer to my area, my privacy. Somewhere he shouldn't touch!

Fear pulled at my gut as I screamed no, I didn't want this! I didn't deserve this!

"nO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!" I screamed, crying harder.

"Urgh such a turn off.." He growled as he pushed me away and stormed out of the room.

I cried out even harder as my sore and weak body met contact with the cold ground, with no clothing to keep me warm.

Curling up into a ball, I rocked myself slowly, trying to ignore all the pain, trying to ignore the disgusting feeling in my chest.

The door slowly cracked open and I heard quiet footsteps walk up to me.

"Shh... if he found out I was in here I'd be dead..." I heard someone whisper, looking up I met the eyes of the girl who had the sword.

Kneeling down she set down a water bottle, a piece of bread and butter, and a jacket.

"I'm so sorry... He told me he loved you.. this isn't love, this is sick.. he raped you like some dog... I'm so so sorry..." She whispered, pushing the stuff to me.

I hesitantly grabbed the stuff, quickly rapping the jacket ground my body as I sat up, as long with with water and bread.

"I have to go now before he notices... I'll get you out of here y/n... don't worry..." She whispered out as my eyelids started to get heavy.

The fear and shock had finally settled down and my body was tired, after being rapped and touched.

"W-Wait what's y-your name...?" I asked quietly.

"...Judge angel" She whispered before turning around and walking out of the room leaving me in the cold dark room.

Where was toby...?

Ok I'm so sorry! I've been busy with school and I have finals in three weeks that I'm preparing for, but I have Christmas break soon and once I am on break I will be updating wayyyyyyy more! :)

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