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In this chapter bold means flashback!!


My eyes adjusted to brightness of the room as I opened them. I was back in the bed in toby and I's room? Huh? What happened?

"Y/N! Your awake!" Toby shouted as he opened the door.

"What happened? I remember drinking something..." I mumbled, looking at the water in his hands, suddenly thirsty.

He sat down beside me on the bed, handing me the water which I sipped lightly.

"Well turns out that drink was poisoned but Ben saw the whole thing and was able to get slender men in time" Toby mumbled looking at the door.

"Told you I had a bad feeling about her" He looked back at you, stating.

"Yes, you did. And I'm sorry for not listening to you when you said that, I just didn't want anyone to hate me" I smiled, hopping to be forgiven.

He blushed and pulled me into a hug, smiling.

"I'm just glad your safe, ok?? It's Valentine's Day anyway so let's hang out!" He said excitedly.

'It's valentines..? So I've been missing for 3 months... moms been dead for 3 too...'

"Ok!" I said happily ignoring the nagging thought.

"You have to stay in bed however since your not fully over the poison so we can just hang out and watch movies! I'm gonna grab snacks, I'll be right back!" He said excitedly as he ran out of the room.

Three months, huh? I was kidnapped in December, a couple of days before Christmas.. mother was killed the day after...


"Daddy!!" I screamed as I ran, laughing. Dad chased me acting like a monster. Mom was watching us from the kitchen while making cookies.

"Mommy!!" I screamed, running into the kitchen and hiding behind her legs as I giggled. Mom smiled down at me before looking at dad who ran into the kitchen after me.

She laughed as dad acted like he didn't know where I was, looking around and making noises like a monster.

I grabbed one of the cookies mom had been making and ran for it, laughing as dad chased me and mom shouted no sweets before dinner.

I shoved the cookie in my mouth, smiling as dad picked me up, like a baby.
"Get the cookie from her, she can't have sweets before dinner" Mom said seriously but had a smile on her face.

"Uh.. she already ate the cookie.." Dad chuckled as he watched me chew and swallowed the remains of the cookie.

"Guess she'll have to run from two monsters now!" My mom yelled laughing as she ran towards us.

I erupted into laughter as I squirmed out of dads grip and ran for it into the living room.
Smiling really big as I heard them chasing me, laughing as well.

Tears picked at my eyes as I smiled at the memory, dad was still alive and I was around 5.

Mom was so happy and stable back then...

"I'm sorry y/n, I haven't been the best mother and I'm so sorry for that... I love you..."

It echoed in my head as pain grabbed at my chest.

She said sorry... she had still loved me too...

I miss them, so so much..

But cancer took my father and Toby took my mother...

"Y/n! I'm back and I got sweets!" He shouted as he rushed into the room.

Closing the door behind him, he had balloons, candy and flowers in his arms.

'Your gonna take gifts from a killer..?'

My smile flattened a little bit but I forced myself to keep smiling as he turned around, holding the gifts out to me.

Blush coated his cheeks as he looked away, not meeting my eyes.

"I- uh.. I got these today for you"

I gently grabbed them, blushing slightly as I looked down at them.

"Thank you toby" I smiled, looking at him.

The Blush grew worse on his cheek as he smiled really big.

He put in some random movie and sat down beside me, smiling never getting any smaller.

I curled up against him, watching the movie as my eyes slowly got heavy.

Slowly closing my eyes I felt myself drift off to sleep.










Something wasn't right...











I opened my eyes and looked around, it looked like I was in hell.

"Hello child." A voice said, in front of me.

Looking up, I saw someone who looked like satan himself.

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