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Y/n POV:

"Who are you?!" I shouted, standing up. Looking around, I coughed as smoke met my lungs.

"I am zaglo, a man who's surprised to see the victim fall in love with The Who caused harm to them" He mumbled, looking me up and down.

"S..Someone who's caused harm-?! Toby's not that!" I shouted, shocked in his choice of words.

"But those scars are from them, are they not?" He asked, pointing to the scars on my wrist from the chains he has used.

"H-He didn't mean those..it was the Chains, not him" I stated, looking down.

"How about the ones from when he beat you. Because you tried to escape?~" His words sounded like poison.

But they were true. He didn't do those scars on accident..

"He regrets them.." I mumbled, trying to not believe zalgos words.

"He doesn't even know it left scars does he? Oh Love is Pathetic, you love the guy who killed your mother.. don't you feel guilty about that? Say if you shake my hand then you can live here with me and not with that disgusting mother killer!" He shouted, holding his hand out.

What should I do..? I.. would mother still be sorry if she knew about how I loved her killer..


I whinned for what seemed to be the 500 time today, y/n had seem to fallen into a coma from a fever. They've been burning up and whining.

I felt terrible, they didn't feel well yesterday but hid it so we could hang out, and me being my stupid normal self, I didn't see it.

"Please wake up y/n.." I pouted, wanting nothing more then to cuddle them.

"Toby. Today's the day. Your getting your memories back. Leave y/n be, this won't take long" Slendermen said as he pulled me with him.

Looking at y/n sleeping form, I let him pull me away.


Their finally away from them.

Nows my chance to get revenge on jeff..

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