Chapter 24

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When Camila woke she was very confused by her surroundings, she wasn’t sure exactly where she was or what was happening, however she does remember her earlier fight with her Father and her Girlfriend.

But that’s it, that’s all she remembers. 

She feels angry at Lauren, heck she feels like she deserves to be, she can be. She’s even angry at her Father too, more at him then anyone, she feels like she has a great reason to be. 

You see, when Lauren grabbed Camila’s hand, Camila pulled away, she doesn’t know how to feel because she’s not even with the world right now, she wasn’t sure if it was out of anger or just out of a reflex.  

See, what Camila didn’t want was the feel of the sudden rush of blood through her body, or the goosebumps from the feeling that her girlfriend gave her, or the way her hear beat erratically changes when Camila touches her, or even speaks to her, but she did. She felt it, and it sucked because she wanted to be mad, but she couldn’t, she couldn’t be mad towards the girl she loved.  

It was hard for Lauren to get to grips with the fact that Camila didn’t want to see her or touch her, it had been 2 hours since she woke and Lauren was yet to see her, she was asked to leave the room by the nurse, it was Camila’s request, Lauren knew this, and the thought of this drove her mad, the idea that her girlfriend didn’t want to see her after all this time of being out really upset her. 

Lauren had watched the doctors and nurses re enter Camila’s room all morning, yet her, Maddie and Alejandro stayed outside. Lauren’s mother Clara was currently the on shift Nurse, this to Lauren was seen as both bad and good. Good because she could receive information a normal nurse would not give her and bad because well, it was her Mother. 

“Mum….” Lauren started unconsciously, the word just flying out of her mouth. Lauren stopped her action of standing up out her seat, her cheeks red and flustered.

Lauren shook her head and started again, “I mean Clara, is she okay? What’s going on with her?”

Clara was a little shocked by what Lauren called her, however she knew it was only rushed talk, the hurriedness in her words being shown in her body language, the eagerness and anticipation of the moment working the girl up. 

“She’s fine Lauren, she’s fallen back to sleep now, it was best that you got out of there because the stress of it all wouldn’t of helped”

Lauren brows furrowed, her face turing in confusion, “The stress of it all?”

“Look Lauren I don’t mean to be mean, really I don’t, but the thing is is that Camila asked you to leave and the impact of you being there was not positive, now, I don’t know what this is all about but I don’t think she means it”

Lauren nodded shyly, she knew what Clara was getting at, and she knew she was right, however it didn’t stop her from wanting to see Camila. 

“Can I go see her?” Lauren asked.

Clara shook her head and smiled sadly at her daughter,  “Lauren, I don’t think thats the best idea, I -”

“Why?” Lauren asked as she interjected her Mother. 

“Because she wanted you out for a reason, if she wanted you in there she’d ask, but she hasn’t Lauren, she needs recovery time”

“But she’s my girlfriend I need to see if she’s okay” 

Clara shook her head once more, “She’s fine, I promise, just give her some time to really wake up” 

Lauren bowed her head and sat down, her hands found their way into her hair, running her nimble fingers through her brunette locks as a calming mechanism. Lauren was in a bit of state really, she couldn’t think about anything other than Camila, you see, Lauren didn’t know how to feel, of course she felt more than ecstatic to know her girlfriend was awake, but she just couldn’t get over the fact that she didn’t want to talk to her. Her conflicting feelings made her to be so confused, 

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