Chapter 16

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“Camila you have to help me, quickly, Lauren rushed as she ran inside Camila’s place, running for her phone and technology. 

Lauren ran in, but not before Camila could catch a glimpse of her wired eyes, her body in a frantic state, shaking violently and her face distraught.

She ran straight to Camila’s office, Camila running quickly after her. 

“Lauren? What the hell is going on?” Camila asked alarmed. 

“Help me” Lauren replied quickly as she grabbed Camila’s arms, Camila feeling Lauren’s shaking through the hold on her arm.

“Help you? Wha..what do you mean?” Camila asked just as quickly, her face delirious and confused.

“Maddie” Lauren puffed out through breaths of crying and panic, the tears plummeting down her face.

“Okay, calm down, calm down” Camila spoke quickly at the mention of Maddie’s name, her heart almost seizing up from the thought of Maddie being in trouble or worse hurt. 

“Listen to me okay, calm down, take a breath and tell me whats happened” Camila attempted to calm her as she took Lauren by the shoulders, holding her at arms length, the pad of her thumb lightly running across Lauren’s shoulder.

“We went - a park for a birthday…I let her out my sight for 5 seconds and she was gone, I don’t know where she is -

Camila was lost already, Lauren’s speech made no sense, her sobs covering up words.

“So you was at a park, and you’ve lost her? Surely you should still be there” Camila replied frantically as she made her way to leave the office so that she could go back to the park to try and find Maddie. 

“No Camila, someone took her” Lauren told her quickly as she grabbed Camila’s arm, her tears evident once more as they fell harshly as she spoke her words. 

“I know who took her though and thats why I need your help?” Lauren asked frantically once more, her eyes still wide. 

“How do you know that?”

Lauren struggled to talk again, her tears cascading her face, her daughter was gone and someone had taken her, Lauren’s world apart at her feet. 

“Because her Dad Camila!” Lauren attempted to shout, she was finding it so hard to cry and communicate. 

Camila lifted her eyebrow, her face an act of confusion “What do you mean Maddie’s Dad?”

“He’s been sending notes for the past week” Lauren clarified as she wiped her eyes with the tips of her fingers, the water being swept away. 

“He’s been doing what?” Camila asked surprised, her voice laced with confusion. 

“And he’s taken her before, remember when I told you about how he was a bad guy, well that’s what I was talking about! He’s done it before and he’s doing it again right now Camila, what if I never get her back” Lauren shouted as she fell to her knees, her hands covering her face as her cries became violent. 

“Hey… its okay, we’ll find her okay..shhh Lauren, it’s alright” Camila spoke softly as she too dropped to her knees, her hand awkwardly rapping around the girl. 

“So you’re were at this party?” Camila asked, running it through so it made sense for when she told her guys. 

“And I let her out of my sight for seconds and she was gone, I don’t know where she is Camila, I need you” Lauren exclaimed into Camila’s shoulder. 

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