Chapter 21

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It was a strange morning for both girls, they couldn’t tell you or even remember the last time they woke up next to someone in the morning, so for them it was a pretty great morning, and what made it even better was that they were next to each other. Naked and entangled in the sheets, their passionate sex leaving the girls dead asleep for the night.  It was Camila who woke first, there was no reason as to why the young brunette woke up, she just did, her normal 7am body clock waking her up.

As soon as she opened her eyes she smiled, she wasn’t even looking at her girlfriend next to her, she was just simply looking up at the celling. But she knew as soon as she turned over to her right she would see her, the girl who made her tummy flip. 

Camila leant up a little and looked over towards Lauren, her eyes scanning the girls body, the sheet covering up the skin, the white satin bunched up under her armpits. Camila smiled happily, her mind still in a trance, their night together was perfect. 

Camila leaned over and placed a quick kiss on Lauren’s shoulders, careful not to wake the girl, she hovered there a little, Camila’s sweet smell intoxicating the girl. Camila leant back on her pillow, her hand running the length of Lauren’s arm, the girl, even though she was asleep still getting goosebumps from her girlfriends touch. Lauren stirred slowly from the touch, her eyes struggling to open with the light that was starting to fill the hotel room. Her hand went to her left eye and rubbed it gently, hoping it would help the process, which it did, but what helped more was the fact that Camila leant over and placed her lips onto her own. The touch instantly revitalising the girl, Camila pulled away to get a look at her but went back in once Lauren leant her head up for more. 

“Morning” Lauren mumbled onto Camila’s lips.

Camila smiled and pecked her lips onto Lauren’s once more “Hi”

Lauren chuckled against her girlfriends lips “I’ve not even been up 1 minute and you’ve kissed me like 5 million times”

Camila rolled her eyes and “Oh, I’m sorry I like you and that I wanted to kiss my girlfriend Lauren” Camila said in a sarcastic voice as she kissed her girlfriends lips once more. 

Lauren sighed into the kiss contentedly, her hand finding the back of Camila’s neck so she could deepen it a little.  

“I know”

“Yeah? Are you sure you now?” Camila asked as she poked Lauren’s sides, making the girl squirm. 

Lauren giggled and bought the pillow to her face to hide the huge smile which lay upon her face. “Yes, I know alright” 

Camila laughed and pulled the pillow away, her lips finding Lauren’s once more, “Well then stop moaning then” 

“Alright, alright, I’m sorry” Lauren giggled. 


“Lauren?” Camila asked quietly, the side of her face now resting upon the pillow. 

“Yeah?” Lauren responded as she frowned. 

Camila started, the hesitancy noticeable in her voice, “Last night, when we made love, there was something I needed to tell you”


“I just, I couldn’t get it out. So can we just pretend its last night, just for our sake”

“Okay” Lauren spoke, still very confused as to what Camila was struggling to say. 

“Alright so -

Camila was about to speak however she got interrupted by Lauren’s phone, Lauren, who upon hearing the ringtone jumped a little, her hands frantically searching the bed for her phone. 

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