Chapter 13

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“You’re actually kidding me yeah Camila?” Lauren questioned as she shouted again, not caring if anyone could hear her. 

“Lauren, just calm down, you have to hear me out first” Camila exclaimed as she went to reach for Lauren’s arm. 

“What about this deal we have huh?” Lauren quizzed as she backed away from Camila’s attempt a touch.

“What about this deal that gets me the money that I need Camila? What about it?” Lauren asked, the rage getting higher and higher by the second. 

“What do you mean what happens about it?” Camila asked her, hoping Lauren would explain herself.

“Well, what about us?” Lauren shouted as she pointed between the both of them. 

“What about us? I thought there wasn’t an us Lauren” Camila shouted back. 

Lauren face dropped, her gaze drawn to the floor from the sudden question.

“Well there is” Lauren spoke feebly, the topic making her feel on edge, the nerves of it all getting to her, her voice shaking under pressure. 

“Well really, because I don’t feel like there is a fucking us” Camila spat back at Lauren, the confusion of the girl getting to her greatly. 

“There is, just one that involves you being my client Camila” Lauren exclaimed as she tried once more to get back towards the girl. 

“I don’t want that ‘us’ Lauren, I want the us that involves me waking up next you in the morning and kissing you, an us which involves date nights where I can spoil the hell out of you Lauren, because you deserve it, an us where our days can be spent inside just doing the things we love or being outside and enjoying the weather, and an us that involves Maddie being with us all the time”

“I want you to myself all the time Lauren, I don’t want to share you with any other fucking client, I don’t want them touching you, touching whats mine Lauren” Camila exclaimed as she placed her hands upon Lauren’s face and neck. 

“You do have me to yourself Camila” Lauren told her as she gave Camila a sad smile.

“No I don’t, because you have other clients Lauren!” Camila told her frustratedly.

“That’s where you are wrong Camila” 

“Oh really? Tell me, how I’m wrong then?” 

“You’re wrong because I haven’t seen any other clients or even fucking slept with any other clients for over a month now Camila” Lauren spat as she stepped out from Camila’s hold. 

Camila was shocked by what Lauren had just admitted, her heart rate instantly dropping from that thought alone. 


“Yes really Camila” Lauren sighed, her voice barely above a whisper. 


“Because Camila, no one makes me feel the way that you do, no one makes me laugh the way you do, no one touches me the way you do and no one makes me feel the way you do Camila” Lauren finally admitted to her, her hands laced together as she played with them anxiously. 

“I’ve tried so many fucking times to not feel that way but I can’t okay”

“So what then Lauren?” Camila spat, her head completely fucked from what Lauren had just told her. 

“It can’t be more then a client with you Camila, Ive already lost so much money from just sleeping with you, I need this money and I need this job Camila. I can’t do that to myself or Maddie”

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