Chapter 8

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Camila jolted awake by her alarm, the sound scaring the girl, it had just hit 7, Camila had to be up because she had a meeting at 8:30.

She quickly remembered last nights events , wondering if Lauren had stayed or not. She was scared to look beside her because she knew that if she wasn’t there, she’d be a bit upset, last night was strange for Camila, she’d never seen Lauren so relaxed, it was nice, and the fact that she stayed and cuddled Camila was so great. 

Camila looked to her left, there was nothing but an empty sheet next to her, Camila let out a breath as she leant over on her side and touched the sheet, it was weird, the sheet felt warm, as if someone had only just left it. She heard a footstep at her bedroom door, looking up she saw Lauren, she was standing there in the clothes Camila supplied yesterday. 


"Hey you" Camila replied grinning, sitting up and wrapping the duvet under her arms. 

"You’re still here" Camila continued, so happy with the fact that Lauren stayed the whole night and was actually here to see the morning with her.

"Yeah, I just went to the toilet" Lauren replied, tugging on the strands of her top as she made her way back to Camila’s bed. 

She took to the bed on her knees at first and then flopped down next Camila, she lifted the duvet up and got underneath it, tucking it below her armpits just like Camila did.  Camila turned to face her, looking into her eyes. 

Camila observed the girl gently, taking in her features.

"What?" Lauren whined as she she held back a smile.

"Nothing, it’s just…you’re so beautiful" Camila whispered as she placed a stand of hair behind Lauren’s ear, swiping her face with the pad of her thumb. 

"Did I embarrass myself last night" Lauren asked as she bought the duvet up higher to her face, attempting to avoid the cold. 

"Oh yeah! Like big time!" Camila exaggerated. 

"Oh god, really?" Lauren asked giggling a little as she placed an arm over her eyes in embarrassment. 

"Yeah, you plugged in my phone on my dock and started singing and dancing to YMCA"

Lauren groaned into Camila’s chest, the vibration from Lauren’s giggling hitting Camila’s ribs, Camila grinning from ear to ear with the unnecessary contact.  

"I had complaints and every thing, people banging on the door" Camila rolled her eyes jokingly. 

"I’m so sorry" Lauren said genuinely as she removed herself from Camila’s chest, Camila already missing the contact.

"Did we….you know?" Lauren asked carefully as she pointed to the space in between them, indicating weather or not they had sex.

"No" Camila spoke as she shut her eyes quickly and shook her head gently.  


"Good?" Camila asked a little shocked by Lauren’s answer. 

"Well I wouldn’t want to be unconscious and have sex now would I?" Lauren asked her chuckling a little.

"Oh, we also kissed, on the lips" Camila tested, she wanted to know Lauren’s reaction. 

"No we didn’t, now I know you’re lying" Lauren giggled as she pushed Camila’s chest. 

"I’m not"

"Yes you are!" 

"Alright I am, you literally came in, got naked and fell asleep" Camila reassured her as she rolled her eyes.  

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