Chapter 20

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Sadly, their Paris trip had come to an end, they packed their bags and set off on Camila’s jet, sitting in the seats they had before as they flew back home, Camila had decided she’d arrive with the girls in New York so that it was a little easier, she had some work to do back at New York anyway so really she had no problem with it. 

They arrived back at Lauren’s, Normani and Maddie departing inside as they took their luggage, leaving Lauren and Camila alone to talk. 

"I can’t believe you have to go back home to Miami" Lauren said sadly as she leaned her forehead against Camila’s. 

Camila sighed and shook her head gently “I know” 

"When will I see you again?" Lauren finally asked, she had attempted to avoid the question the whole morning, including the flight home, but she knew she needed to ask it somewhen. 

Camila thought about it, shaking her head sadly as she came to a conclusion.       “I don’t know, maybe like two weeks, it’s just… I have work every day and then on both weekends I have to travel to LA for this new company I’m starting” 

"Two weeks?" Lauren asked annoyed as she rose her eyebrows and tore her forehead away. 

"I know" Camila said regretfully.

"But, I want us to like….maybe….go away for a couple days?" Camila asked carefully. 

Lauren’s eyebrows rose and her face a little confused. 

"To maybe England" 

"England?!" Lauren asked, her tone an unreadable one. 

"Yeah? Is that okay?" 

"Of course, but It’s a bit far for Maddie don’t you think?"

"Well I was kind of hoping it could just be me and you? I mean I’ve already asked Dinah and Normani to see if they’re free -"

"You what?!" Lauren asked quickly, her eyes wide. 

Camila’s body language dropped, she took a step back. 

"I just thought maybe…I would -“

Lauren’s voice rose, “Why would you do that without my permission?” 

"Lauren, I only thought it would help, I didn’t want to upset you, I just…"

"You just what?" 

"I just thought it would be easier you know, I didn’t think it would be a problem, I’m sorry” Camila apologised quickly as she grabbed Lauren’s hands in her own.

"Yeah, well it is I guess” Lauren spat as she pulled her hands away and picked up her luggage and walked inside. 

"Lauren wait” Camila shouted as she ran after her. 

Lauren turned and placed her hand in front of her defensively “Maybe later Camila, I have to go”

Camila didn’t know why she acted like that, heck she didn’t even know what just happened. 



“Camila” Lauren spoke as she entered Camila’s apartment, It had been nearly an hour since their little dispute and Lauren couldn’t hack it any longer, she knew she was wrong and she needed to apologise. 

"I’m sorry, god I’m so sorry for being such an overreacting idiot, I don’t know why I did that, I just -

“Hey, its okay, you were right, I shouldn’t have made that call, you’re her Mother, and after all and thats the decision you make” Camila calmed her softly as she cupped Lauren’s face. 

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