Chapter 3

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Lauren made her way through Camila’s front door, using the key which Camila had given her about a month ago due to the fact that sometimes Camila was late because she was caught up at work, so instead of Lauren waiting outside the door she would just let herself in. 

Lauren loved being in Camila’s flat, well it wasn’t so much of a flat, think of it as a penthouse sweet, because really, that was what it was. Her place was incredible, centred in New York, the view was breathtaking, every window which surrounded the living room was huge, clear glass so you could observe the view for miles, the view was even better at night time though, however Lauren didn’t get to see this much as she was always gone by at least 6 at the latest, Camila didn’t know why Lauren always left so early or so quickly, she just did, Lauren would say it was for another client but Camila was not so sure. 

Lauren stepped though the door and into the beautiful living room, everything crystal clear and tidy, because after all Camila never really made much mess because she was either at work or in her office, the floor was a beautiful rich tile and the sofa’s a clean clear creamy and brown white, two small ones and one blue long jelly bean shaped sofa, Lauren loved that sofa, they had a lot of good times on that sofa. Lauren stepped past it and made her way though the long corridor, walking past the first room, then the second, then the third and then she turned a right, heading straight down moving past more rooms, before finally reaching her destination at the end of the corridor; Camila’s office.  

Camila’s office was also incredibly beautiful, she had a horse shoe shaped desk, full with all the important things which Camila needed, the separate chairs all facing the window so if Camila ever took a break she could admire what was in front of her. The entrance to the office was behind to where Camila was sitting, Lauren thought this was perfect because she could scare Camila shitless. 

Lauren stepped into Camila’s office quietly, her shoes of and tip towing onto the warm thick carpet.

“FUCK” Camila shouted as Lauren grabbed Camila’s hips.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Camila asked breathless as she clutched her chest to show her fast pace beating heart. 

“That was so funny” Lauren replied laughing doubling over with her laugh. 

“No it wasn’t” Camila mumbled annoyed giving Lauren’s belly a punch in the process.

Lauren held out her hand as an indication for Camila to take it, Camila accepted and followed Lauren, to what she presumed would be her bedroom. 

“How come you were working from home today?” Lauren asked Camila as she turned her head to look at the girl quickly then looking forward again so Lauren wouldn’t trip on anything as she made her way to Camila’s room.

“I knew you were coming earlier so I left work earlier” Camila just shrugged in response.

“You okay?” Lauren asked her as they stepped into Camila’s room, Camila leaving Lauren’s hand and sitting on the rectangular stool which was placed on the end of the bed, undoing her shoes and socks. 

“I guess, its just my dad you know”

Lauren walked over to Camila and pulled her top off over her head and chucked it over by the little table behind them.

“What he do?” Lauren asked already knowing a tiny bit of the father daughter history but not enough to make a judgement. Her hand slipping down to Camila’s pants undoing her buttons and pulling them down, holding Camila’s arm so she could step out of them.

“Oh you know the usual, I’m not good enough, I don’t communicate with him enough about our joint companies” Camila spoke though gritted teeth, rolling her eyes. 

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