Chapter 27

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It had been precisely 5 hours since Lauren had taken off from their argument, of course she had no car and she couldn’t really drive Camila’s and she wasn’t in the right mind to talk to anyone so instead of asking for one of Camila’s drivers she just left by foot. Camila had of course tried to stop her, but after 3 attempts and a shout she gave up. 


“Hey” Lauren soothed as she came up behind Camila, who was currently laying down in bed, no sheet covering her, but she just lay there, resting with her eyes closed. 

“Baby, you have to speak to me” Lauren spoke softly as she attempted to put her arm under Camila’s body to hold her, but failed when Camila moved away a little. 

“Camila” Lauren persisted, moving her body closer to Camila’s once more. 

“What?” Camila spat back, her body completely shut of to Lauren.

Lauren shook her head. “God. I’m so sorry Camila; please?” Lauren told her honestly, her voice laced with pure truth, her tone was more of a plea than anything. 

When Camila made no movements, Lauren tried again. 

"Please baby?!” Lauren’s body centred its self around Camila, nuzzling close as her arms wrapped around what to her was her ‘home’. 

 Lauren’s lips graced the back of Camila’s head, kissing Camila’s hair as she did. And of course Camila let it happen. 

“Yesterday was…it was meant to be one of the most perfect days and I ruined it and I’m so sorry…” Lauren’s brain filled with the unspoken words which she knew she wouldn’t be able to let out, her thoughts interwind and tangled as she tried to speak her mind and get out her apology the best she could. 

Lauren kissed Camila’s hair once more, taking in her vanilla scent which she had missed; even though she was only away for a couple hours.

“But I am sorry okay, I’m sorry I was an idiot and Im sorry I over reacted but…..Im just sorry, okay baby? Im sorry I didn’t answer the phone and Im sorry I didn’t call you back but I just needed space to think about it and I -

“Space to think about us?” Camila asked insecurely, quiet and shy, her back still to Lauren’s body. 

Lauren quickly adjusted herself, pulling her arm from under Camila and leaning up on it, adjusting herself to look at the brunettes face quickly. 

“God no, never, I never ever…..I didn’t mean that, I’m sorry alright….I…”

“So you don’t want space from us?” Camila asked once more as she turned her body into Lauren’s chest, her vulnerability at a high. 

“God no, never, I’d be an idiot if I ever wanted that and I don’t ever want that” Lauren reassured her softly as she hugged her even closer, kissing her temple. 


“I promise, baby…..I promise so much okay? I love you” Lauren whispered against Camila’s warm skin, her words lacing a promise though her girlfriends ears. 

“I love you more” Camila said feebly into Lauren’s chest, clenching Lauren’s shirt in her fist. 

“I’m sorry I was such an idiot, you was only trying to do the right thing” Lauren admitted to her girlfriend sadly.

"Yesterday was meant to be one of the most perfect days for us and I ruined it, I’m sorry that I shouted at you and I’m sorry I got angry"

Lauren continued, “But I’m here now, and I love you and I’m so sorry for being an idiot” 

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