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SUNLIGHT came through the beige coloured curtains creating a golden glow in the room. Diana Salvatore groaned as her alarm blared. Trying to stand she found she couldn't as a tanned arm was wrapped around her waist. Turning to see who it was, she finds a curly-headed male drooling on one of her pillows on the other side of the bed.

Violently shoving the arm off she stands and silences the alarm. As she walks into her large bathroom the curly-headed boy grumbles from the harsh awakening. Diana turns on the light and cringes at her reflection in the mirror. She picked up her brush and desperately tried to tame her wild brown locks. Once finishing, she quickly brushed her teeth and sauntered back into her room.

"You. Get out" she stated as she saw the male scrolling through his phone on her bed.

"Excuse me," he asked confused sitting up.

"I said get out your face is irritating me" she replied gathering his clothes off her floor and throwing them at him with little force. Though it seemed like little force for her, his clothes however smacked him in the face causing him to tumble slightly off the bed.

"What the hell dude you can't just kick me out of here like I'm a piece of trash" he exclaimed.

"Unfortunately for you I can as this is my apartment and you are a very large pain in my ass" she retorted as she shooed and pushed him out of her bedroom into an expensive-looking living room, he was really getting on her last nerve.

"I can't believe this, can you please stop pushing me!"

" Look, John or Jerry-" "

"My name's Jack".

Diana rolled her olive eyes and said somewhat politely "Whatever can you please leave I have important matters to attend to which you are simply delaying."

"Whatever bitch this was a waste of time anyway" he exclaimed rudely.

Diana stopped in her tracks and stared at him angrily as he went to open the door. She sped in front of him and shut the door. "What the hell"

"What did you say before I couldn't hear over the loudness of your bright orange shorts," she said calmly pointing to his lower half.

" I said you're a bitch and this was a waste of my time," he said ignoring the fact that she ended up in front of him in a matter of seconds.

"Oh," she replied and smiled fakely. She ran at him and sunk her fangs in her neck draining him dry.

"This is why I don't socialize," she said as she let the body fall wiping a bit of the blood from her lower lip. Hearing her phone ring she sped to her room and answered it. "Diana Salvatore speaking," her sugary sweet tone answered.

"Hello little sister"

"Damon. How long has it been? 50,60 years without a call text or even email. I was beginning to think you forgot about me," she stated bitterly. Sensing her bitter tone he said teasingly.

"Oh little sister I could never forget about you, it's kind of hard not to. You're like something I want to forget but can't."

"What do you want Damon you wouldn't call me unless you want something so spit it out and I'm your twin for crying out loud," she retorted.

"You know me so well," he said ignoring her previous statement, "I want you to come to Mystic Falls."

She laughed exposing her light dimples, "Why would I come to that God-forsaken town give me one good reason."

"Because you love us." A familiar voice sounded from the background.

"My Gods, Damon and Stefan are in the same room and one of you isn't dead," she exclaimed sarcastically with a fake gasp. "I'm utterly surprised. As much as I would love to come and see you two not even all my love for you guys can take me from where I am and come there."

"Where are you anyway?" Damon asked just about done with the conversation.

"Paris Dame Dame Paris. The land of love, sex and wine. You would love it." she responded rolling her eyes. "So are you going to give me a valid reason to convince me to leave this paradise?"

"We're going to kill Katherine," he stated. Diana perked up hearing this looking away from her pitch-black nails.

"You two. Kill Katherine Peirce the girl you both are so hopelessly in love with," she chuckled.

"It's true she has to go. She's ruining our lives" Stefan spoke up.

"He's right, little sister we're dying here. We need you" Damon said sarcastically. She could practically hear the smirk in his voice as she responded rolling her eyes

"Fine, I'll come. Anything to see the downfall of doppelslut even though I do enjoy being alive yet dead,"

"Good be here soon. Bye, little sister." He hung up before she could reprimand him.

Guess I should start packing

The doorbell went. She sighed making her way into the living room cringing when she saw the asshole she drained earlier. She shrugged and hopped over him and asked who was at the door.

Hearing it was one of her vampire assistants/friends and her witch she opened the door and instantly comes face to face with two blonds with forest green eyes. The twins. Sam and Safina. She had met them 10 years ago when she turned Sam. He had woken up after she snapped his neck confused and worried about his sister. She had decided to have a small amount of compassion and take them in as they were on their own after their parents died.

"Safina, Sam" she greeted with a light smile.

"Miss Salvatore," they greeted back in unison with large smiles on their faces. Even though they had been with her a while they still liked to keep with the formalities.

Diana frowned, "Please don't do that twin thing it's creepy."

"Sorry," they say together once more. She just shakes her head and ushers them inside, both immediately noticing the body. Following their grimacing stare her eyes land on the body of her recent kill.

"Safina would you be a dear and burn the body I have packing to do," she waved towards the body as she strut back to her room to get ready and pack her bags. Hearing her words the twins look at each other and follow quickly, questioning where she was going. "I'm going home," she replied with a smirk.

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