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ELIJAH embraced Diana tightly and she hugged back just as fiercely. "What are you doing here?" Elijah asked. As he was significantly taller his head rested on top of hers with her head in the crook of his neck.

"Tweedledee and Tweedledum over there kidnapped me for being with the doppelbitch," she shrugged as she let go.

"I feel dirty, I haven't changed since last night." she looked at him, "Make this quick, yeah I want to leave this filthy place,"

He nodded and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and walked towards the doppelgänger who was watching the encounter with wide eyes.

He brought his face to her neck and inhaled her scent as she trembled slightly. "Human. Impossible," he said as he looked at the girl, "Hello there," Elena was practically hyperventilating now and it made Diana roll her eyes.

Elijah sighed, "Well, we have a long journey ahead of us we best be going." Diana jumped and clapped her hands striding over to Elijah and linking their arms. Elijah looked down at her with a look she couldn't decipher.

"Why are you doing this Diana?" Elena stuttered confused and scared. Turning to Rose she begged, "Please don't let him take me."

Elijah unlinked his and Diana's arms, slightly reluctant to be away from the blonde, and walked towards the two vampires who were watching silently trying not to make a scene. "One last piece of business. Then we're done," he said. Trevor was trembling and had a guilty expression on his face.

"I've waited for this day for so long Elijah. I'm truly very sorry," Trevor muttered scared. Diana smirked. She had known Elijah long enough to know that he didn't take betrayal to well.

"Oh no, your apology is necessary," Elijah replied while he stalked around him like a predator to its prey.

"Yes. Yes, it is. You trusted me with Katerina, and I failed you," he insisted casting his eyes to the ground in shame. Rose was watching with wary eyes from the balcony.

"Oh yes, you're the guilty one and Rose aided you because she was loyal," Elijah smirked. "That I honour. Where was your loyalty?" he questioned with raised eyebrows.

Purposely deflecting the question he begged, "I ask for your forgiveness." Elena was watching the scene with puzzled eyes and Diana had a large smirk on her face trying to predict which one of Elijah's tricks would happen in the next few minutes.

"So granted," Elijah responded with a shrug. Trevor looked up from the ground and smiled. It all happened in a matter of seconds. Trevor's head was smacked clean of by Elijah's hand, Rose cried out for her friend but it was too late.

Elena had a horrified look on her face and brought her hand up to her mouth in shock. Diana stood there with an ecstatic expression as she looked at the head on the floor not expecting him to do that but was astonished altogether.

"You..." Rose began in anger a bitter look on her face.

"Don't Rose, now that you are free," Elijah warned holding up his bloody hand and taking out the handkerchief in the front pocket of his elegant suit. Wiping his hand he looked at Diana who was looking at Trevor's head stunned. Diana looked up at him in pride.

"I'd give it a 7 out of 10."

"Only a seven," he asked confused.

"It lacked style and you could have built up the tension more," she shrugged in response. He chuckled and looked at Elena who was looking back at him with a petrified expression. Diana could smell the hesitancy rolling off her in waves.

"Come," he said calmly. Diana jumped up from her place crouched on the floor and practically skipped towards him excited that she was seeing her old friend. "No, what about the moonstone," Elena suggested trying to buy herself time.

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